FIP, Guido Valori presents his candidacy for the presidency

The lawyer Guido Valori today presented his candidacy for the presidency of the Italian Basketball Federation. These are the 14 points of his program. 1) National team sector. Headed by the Federal President, Single Technical Coordinator, 4 Sectors (Senior Male, Senior Female, Youth Male, Youth Female) each with a Manager, reintroduction of the Under 14 Male and Female National Team, continuous Federal Technical Centres. Out of 4 monthly weekends in the period between October and March, 3 are dedicated to the championships and 1 to the technical work of the Federal Technical Centers at National-Regional-Provincial level.

2) Sector 3X3. Headed by a Federal Councilor-Federal President, 4 Sectors (Senior Male, Senior Female, Youth Male, Youth Female) each with a Manager, introduction of 3×3 Senior and Youth Championships (Male and Female and Mixed 2M+1F). Coverage of the entire national territory. 3) Technical and development training of members. Identification of federal technical structures where technical/physical/athletic training activities can be carried out both for athletes of national interest and from the CIA and CNA sectors. Introduction and development of contents relevant to the various age groups for suitable psychophysical development of all interested parties, with particular attention to minors. In older subjects, representation of all the issues currently relating to the current situation of the Italian sports movement. Involvement and identification of relational issues to consider in relationships with the children’s parents, always with the aim of maximum inclusion of all the subjects who participate in the sporting movement of Italian basketball

4) Youth championships. Progressive reduction of the monthly matches that each individual player/ice can play during the month (progressively moving from the current 12 to 10 and then 8). Especially at the women’s level, ensure that fewer useless and obvious matches are played and that we return to working from a technical and physical point of view in training. Separation of the Under-12s from the Mini Basketball sector, in relation to the introduction of the NAS award for that year. Modification of medical regulations with introduction of the Competitive Medical Examination starting from the 12th year of age as required by other disciplines and federations.

5) Italian athletes abroad. Recruitment of athletes, children of Italians residing abroad, to be brought to the national youth teams, continuing to study in their country of residence. 6) Cna reform. Fewer Categories. Teaching progression appropriate to the championships for which you want to be qualified. 7) National Youth Finals. Identification of the criteria for assigning the National Youth Finals, also taking into consideration the aspect regarding the costs that the interested clubs must face.

8) Arbitration sector. Revisiting the arbitration sector and verifying its effective functioning. Identification of the best democratic criteria for the growth of the arbitration movement. 9) Organization of the marketing/commercial/events sector of Fip. Search for the best professionals to organize the sector within the Federation, who deal permanently with federal marketing (collaborating with the Regional Committees for regional marketing), commercial, and care of both national and regional events. Verification of relationships with Master Group and identification of any collaboration plans

10) Sub. Reorganization Creation of a stable structure, with employees dedicated to the issues and needs of the territory of both a sporting and administrative, management and accounting nature. Organization of permanent consultancy on technical/sports, legal/administrative and accounting issues. Particular focus on the reform of sports work. Support by the Regional Committees during the establishment of new affiliated companies. Support in company development activities

11) Relations with the Leagues. LBF: constant verification of the adequate number of championships held and possible reformulation of the same, if deemed necessary by all affiliated companies. Programs and projects also in relation to the recruitment of girls to increase the number of members of the female youth sector. Both of these activities, carried out in synergy between FIP and LBF, must be aimed at achieving common objectives (increase in the number of members, growth in the top female technical level). LNP: Verification of the themes and projects that can be developed jointly with the Federation. Incentives for clubs that are committed to the technical sporting growth of young athletes of national interest. LBA: identification of common projects between the federation and LBA always with respect to the growth of players of national interest and collaboration for the development of events that promote Italian basketball.

12) Sports Constraint. In compliance with the current legislation on sporting restrictions, rewriting or verification of the approved rules with the aim of implementing the best conditions to protect clubs. 13) International Relations. Request for the inclusion of the best Italian professionals in FIBA ​​and FIBA ​​Europe, both at a managerial level and in all those areas where a presence is needed that can help the development of Italian basketball (former athletes, referees, international legal sector and more). 14) Massive access in schools. Signing of agreements with the MIUR to facilitate the practice of basketball in schools of all levels, both directly by FIP and through affiliated companies, in order to broaden the base of potential members

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