Topi Raitanen's tips: Keep these things in mind when shopping for sneakers – Sports

Topi Raitanen shares advice worth its weight in gold.

Estejuoksun European champion Top Raitanen advises what a running enthusiast should and should not do when buying running shoes.

“Never buy the most expensive or the cheapest shoe in the store, but something in between.”

Raitanen recommends neutral shoes for everyone. However, he points out that he is not a physiotherapist or directly an expert in the field.

“You can develop the soles and metatarsals with muscle fitness exercises to be strong enough that you don’t need shoes with pronation support. The size is important, as well as the fact that the shoe rolls forward well and is elastic on the foot.”

Raitanen in my opinion, it’s pointless to get mad at sneaker stores, it’s better to invest properly in good shoes. Compared to many other hobbies, running is cheap fun, so saving a couple of bucks on running shoes is pointless, he reminds.

“The most important thing in sneakers is to know what purpose they will be used for.”

According to Raitanen, active exercisers should have at least two pairs of shoes in their closet.

“A better cushioned and thick-soled basic shoe and a more elastic shoe intended for fast running. They should be varied, and of course it would be optimal if there were two pairs of each type of shoe.”

It’s not about being fancy.

“If you change your shoes, they stay tidy for longer. In addition, by changing shoes, you can avoid incorrect positions that may occur if you run in the same sneakers all the time.”



Topi Raitanen’s European Championships went to his cheek.

Striped also tells which muscle groups those looking for better running condition should primarily develop.

“Definitely sole and soleus. It’s good to get strength in them to prevent injuries.”

The broad heel muscle, or soleus, is located on the back of the lower leg, and it attaches to the heel bone via the Achilles tendon. The soleus can be developed with different calf raises.

Finally, Raitanen gives an important speech about running.

“It is important for everyone to be aware that muscles become sore if there is a long break from running. You shouldn’t be afraid of it, and you shouldn’t stop your hobby because of it. The muscles will get used to it, as long as you let them recover for a while and then continue.”

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