Euro 2024: Martin Adam, the “Hungarian Viking” who is attacked for his weight: “I spent the last Euro Cup drinking beer at my house”

Martin Adam (Szeged, 1994) is one of the characters of the Euro Cup. The forward of the national team Hungary He has become the protagonist of these first days in Germany after his team’s first two games. And not because of his goals, but because of his physique. He measures almost two meters (192 centimeters) and his weight has provoked thousands of comments on social networks, where they have criticized, with too much ridicule, his appearance. A situation that “affect them», as explained by the Magyar team.

Because the reality is that Adam does not exceed the 87 kilos. “I was born like this, it’s my body, I’m not fat. “I can’t change genetics,” he responded in the press room, which he went to not of his own free will, but because the communication department of his national team considered that he should speak to silence the critics.

«I have received several memes and I usually laugh at them. The only thing I can say is that this is my body », he reflected, sighing and clearly uncomfortable. He prefers to talk about something else.

“It’s always the same with him”

This is not a new conversation for Adam, a redhead with a prominent beard, strong and with the appearance of a warrior «viking», a nickname they gave him in his country years ago. His different appearance has always attracted attention. «It’s always the same with him», they explain in the selection, annoyed with the jokes.

«We have seen the mockery of idiots, who are very brave on the computer. We cannot control these people, but it is unacceptable, disrespectful. “His body has been like this since he was born,” says an angry Marco Rossi, Hungary coach. «I hope he scores because it would be very satisfactory for him and for everyone. “He is a sensational guy,” he adds.

Adam has arrived at his team’s training camp since South Koreawhere he plays in the Ulsan HD, champion of the national league the last two seasons. There he is a star. «They stop me on the street to ask for autographs and I hallucinate», he admits. And of course, one thinks that there must not be many red-haired and bearded Hungarians in South Korea.

“I’ve never been close to that.”

The attacker signed for the Asian team in the summer 2022, after being the top scorer in the Hungarian league. Always, of course, with the debate about his weight around him. «My weight is not a secret, but I don’t want it to become a topic of conversation in the press or among fans. I read that I weigh close to 110 kilos and I have never been even close to that,” he admitted in an interview with a Hungarian media a few weeks ago.

«I have always been a big guy, which is something that makes me win a lot of plays. I once lost strength and weight and I think I was a worse player, so I gained kilos again. Now I do everything smarter with the help of a specialist,” he explained, honestly acknowledging that “I saw the last Euro Cup at my house drinking beer.” So sincere.

In Germany, Adam is making his debut in a major tournament for his country. Accumulates 23 caps and three goals, two of them in the qualifying phase for this Euro Cup. For Rossi she is his substitute forward, a fixture. He played 12 minutes in the debut against Switzerland and 16 against Germany. Two defeats that have left Hungary on the ropes, with the only hope of beating Scotland by several goals and sneaking into one of the best third places.

When this edition ends, Adam will return to his town. He doesn’t like the big city, he hates her. She grew up in a country house with her parents in Forraskut, a town in the middle of nowhere in the south of Hungary, and he returns there whenever he can. He is building a house next to his parents’ house to which he intends to return when he retires with his wife and his two children. «I grew up on a farm“I prefer that for my children, that they see potatoes, vegetables grow…”, he says. Always next to his partner, Gittawith whom he has been dating since school.

Today he will look for his first goal to silence the jokers.

By Editor

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