DFB after the preliminary round: “Everyone was expecting Füllkrug earlier” – Sport

After three group matches, the German team is in the round of 16 at this European Championship – and after a late 1:1 draw against Switzerland, they are even top of the table. The DFB team has a header from Niclas Füllkrug to thank for this shortly before the final whistle, and all was well again in the host country. Nevertheless, this final appearance by the Germans also revealed some problems in the game.

This edition of the SZ football talk show “And now for the sport” is about these and the various positive aspects of the German preliminary round. It is actually time for an interim conclusion: what has worked well so far, what hasn’t, and what are the prospects for the knockout round? This time, moderator Jonas Beckenkamp speaks with European Championship experts and on-site reporters Sebastian Fischer and Martin Schneider.

Germany at the European Football Championship

:“That was quite an explosion”

Lots of emotions and a seminar on the subject of “cross-header-goal”: The late 1:1 against the strong Swiss team brings back memories of the past for the German team – but there are also worrying signs of a declining level of play.

By Martin Schneider

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