Gold at the Olympic Games is worth 13,000 euros more!  The government increased premiums for athletes

The Ministry of Tourism and Sports released for e-consultation the Draft Rulebook on Amendments to the Rulebook on the Awarding of the “Franjo Bučar” State Award for Sports and the State Award for Top Sports Achievements, by which the state awards for top sports achievements, which are awarded to athletes, sports teams and other experts in the sports system, are increased by 50 percent.

Also, for example, the award for a gold medal at the Olympic, Paralympic or Deaf Olympic Games will be 41,000 euros instead of the previous 27,650 euros, the award for a silver medal at these competitions will be 26,000 euros instead of 17,300 euros, while the bronze medal will be awarded It is better to reward with 18,500 euros instead of 12,250 euros.

– Uoči Olympic i Paralympic games in Paris The government has decided to increase the awards for top athletes, coaches and other sports experts who participate in winning medals for Croatia at the biggest sports competitions, thus once again showing how important our athletes and the entire sports system are to us. This is the second increase in the amount of state awards in our term, the first time we increased them by 100 percent at the beginning of the first term, and now we have decided to reward our athletes even more strongly for everything that they perform for our country at major competitions – said the Minister of Tourism and Sports Tonči Glavina.

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In addition to state awards for top sporting achievements, Croatia is one of the few countries in the world where athletes and coaches who have won medals at the Olympic, Paralympic and Deaf Olympic Games, as well as athletes who have won medals at the world senior championship in the Olympic /paralympic sports and disciplines and Olympic sports and disciplines for the deaf, they also exercise the right to permanent financial compensation.

Athletes exercise this right from the age of 45, and coaches from the age of 55. The compensation amounts to 100 percent to 40 percent of the average net salary in the Republic of Croatia, depending on the medal won and the competition. Currently, 230 athletes exercise this right, and the Ministry of Tourism and Sports annually allocates about 4 million euros for this compensation. In addition, top athletes have the possibility of a subsidy for education, for which approximately 200,000 euros are provided annually.

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Foto: Josip Regovic/PIXSELL

– With the new Law on Sports, we introduced national scholarships for top athletes, then compensation for pension and health insurance, and also a permanent compensation for coaches, which until then only athletes were entitled to. Through our umbrella associations, the Croatian Olympic Committee, the Croatian Paralympic Committee and the Croatian Sports Association of the Deaf, as well as national sports associations, we ensure optimal conditions for training and preparations as well as for competitions of our athletes, and we have tripled the allocations for umbrella associations. . Through all these activities, the Government has so far shown that it recognizes the importance of Croatian sport, and the amendments to this Ordinance are a confirmation that we continue to provide strong support – concluded Glavina.

The State Award for Top Sports Achievements is an award given to an athlete, a sports team and another expert in the sports system, and it is awarded for a medal won at the Olympic Games/Paralympic Games/Deaf Olympic Games and the World and European Senior Championships. in Olympic/Paralympic sport and discipline/Olympic sport and discipline for the deaf, won a gold medal at the world and European senior championship in non-Olympic sport/non-Paralympic sport/non-Olympic sport for the deaf, which has a tradition in the Republic of Croatia of more than ten years, the world record was broken at the senior competition in Olympic sport/Paralympic sport/Olympic sport for the deaf and a gold medal, i.e. won first place at the world/European senior championship in the non-Olympic discipline of Olympic sport/non-Paralympic discipline of Paralympic sport/non-Olympic discipline of Olympic sport for the deaf.

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