"Us against Italy.  Head, heart and…luck will make the difference"

Italy-Switzerland? “Head, heart and a bit of luck can make the difference. Forewarned man…”: the Swiss ambassador to Italy is warning the Azzurri fans on the eve of the match in Berlin, Monika Schmutz Kirgoz, who in an interview with AGI recalls “with sympathy to her Italian friends” that her national team “can always reserve some surprises”. Like at the last European Championship, when “it even managed to score two important victories against Turkey, France in the round of 16 and a hard-fought draw in the quarter-finals against Spain”. And again in 2021, between September and November, just as Monika Schmutz Kirgoz took office in Rome, it was the Red Cross national team, with two draws, that effectively excluded the Azzurri from the World Cup in Qatar.

Italy-Switzerland is also a sort of derby, “an occasion that unites and at the same time divides the hearts of many people on both sides of the border”, observes the ambassador. She’ll watch it on TV,”together with the colleagues” of the embassy, ​​”with all the heart and enthusiasm that this meeting will give us”. “Finding myself in Italy on the occasion of this match is certainly a privilege”, he underlines, “here in Rome the emotions and sensations that sports in general, and football in particular, can convey are palpable on a daily basis.” The ambassador admits she is not a great football expert but she is ready to put herself in the shoes of a fan: “I follow the matches of the Swiss national team with great interest and I am extremely proud of our ‘Red Crusader’ team, a fine example of my country’s capacity for integration which often knows how to give us wonderful surprises and so many emotions.”

In this regard, it was a surprise to see so many Swiss flags and shirts in the stands in Cologne and Frankfurt: “Even the Swiss, so well known for their rigour and precision, they have a heart and know how to feel emotions!“, observes the ambassador, “the support of the Swiss fans in the first matches of the European Championships was simply extraordinary and touched the hearts of many.

Seeing the stands filled with colors and flags and listening to the Swiss choirs in the different national languages ​​was a real spectacle, a demonstration of passion that resonated in every corner of the stadium: we believe in our national team, affectionately called ‘Nati‘, and I think the broad support shown played a crucial role in the good results in the group stage. We felt the same contagious enthusiasm when a few weeks ago the Swiss fans invaded Rome for the European Athletics Championships, in which our athletes brought home various medals.”

For many Swiss, this challenge is a bit of a derby of the heart… “For 52,000 Swiss citizens residing in Italy and for over 632,000 Italians settled in Switzerland, half of whom have dual Swiss and Italian citizenship, the largest group of foreign population residing in our country, the match will be an event of great importance, full of contrasting emotions and special meanings.”

Italy-Switzerland “is not a simple sporting competition, but an occasion that unites and at the same time divides the hearts of many people on both sides of the border”, underlines Monika Schmutz Kirgoz, “the great proximity between the two countries It ensures that among ‘neighbors’ the match will be experienced with great enthusiasm but also with a pinch of tension, bringing together families and friends who are often divided between those who support Switzerland and those who support Italy”.

Italy and Switzerland are two neighboring countries united by geography, history and economy but sometimes also by a certain distrust and a few too many stereotypes… “Starting precisely from geography, I take this opportunity to mention that the two countries they share our – and your – longest border, equivalent to almost 800 km of border line: the existence of stereotypes and mistrust therefore appears completely natural”, recalls Monika Schmutz Kirgoz. “Some typical stereotypes about our country concern the financial center, chocolate and watches, but Switzerland is much more than this”, he observes, “every day we promote the image of an extremely innovative and multicultural country, which looks towards the future and collaborates closely with its partners, including Italy”.

“Beyond any stereotype, however, I would like to underline that Swiss men and women from every linguistic and cultural region adore Italy and its innumerable beauties”, assures the ambassador, “and, in case we were to lose the match, I am sure that until the final our support and our cheering will go to the Azzurri!”.

By Editor

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