The Croat is chasing a sensation at the Euros!  Revealed the secret of Kek's Slovenia: 'We ran over the English and the Serbs'

While the Croatian national football team was eliminated in the group at the European Championship, it will still be in Germany – the Croatian coach. Riječ is about Luki Brkljači, a native of Rijeka, a former member of the Slovenian national football team. Moreć For many years he cooperates with Matjažem Kekom,and this time, for the first time in the history of Slovenian football, they passed the group in a major competition.

And in the round of 16, the favored national team of Portugal awaits them. The Dragons in the group with England, Denmark and Serbia showed that they will be dangerous for everyone.

– With Matja&zcaron, work is in first, second and third place. We understand each other well and we are quite similar – this fitness coach explained to Novi list, referring to the fact that they started all matches with the same starting eleven:

– It was a big challenge for me, but we ran past the Danes, the English and the Serbs, there were no injuries. Therefore, systematic work and systematic planning, that is, when you are in constant contact with the players and are familiar with their condition in the clubs, lead to the conclusion that all this is achievable.

Portugal won in spring (2-0), but now it’s a different environment. Of course, the ‘dragons’ are in the position of outsiders, but they are going for a surprise.

– As long as we look like this, while we run like this and while we fight like this, we have a chance against anyone. They are, of course, favorites, it’s not easy to win the same opponent twice, but… Why not?! We made people happy, they started believing in the national team. But they don’t get carried away – Brklja concluded.

The match of the round of 16 of the European Championship between Slovenia and Portugal is scheduled for Monday, July 1, starting at 9 p.m.

By Editor

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