World Skate Games land in Italy and Piedmont for the first time in history

The World Skate Games Italy 2024 are an unprecedented experience in which all 12 disciplines practiced on wheels merge in a whirlwind of breathtaking emotions, a true youth festival in which sport and entertainment mix. The World Championship presented today in Novara in the splendid setting of the monumental complex of Broletto, in the presence, among others, of the Minister for Sport and Youth, Andrea Abodi. It will be the Piedmontese city to host, in September, the Hockey Rink and the Italian National Team competitions.

“We live projected into the future and thanks to young people. This event represents all of this in the best possible way. When 100 years of history are celebrated, as happens for the world federation and for Hockey here in Novara – underlined Minister Abodi – when we talk about numbers such as more than 100 participating countries, 12 disciplines, 4 regions involved, 12,000 athletes , 600 competitions, as is the case for the World Skate Games 2024, it is clear that a huge challenge is being launched. A challenge which, thanks to the organizational capacity of the World and Italian Federations and the local organizational machine, will be met in the best possible way, for an event of extraordinary importance. A spectacular territory like that of Novara can be promoted – said Abodi – The world event represents a meeting between peoples, through sport, for peace, inclusion, in symbiosis with the human being. The Future is not only about medals and victories, but also about inclusion, loyalty, solidarity and legality. Values ​​fully represented by roller sports.”

After the huge success of the 2022 edition, held in Argentina, in Buenos Aires, for the first time Italy will host the fourth edition of the World Skate Games, with both central institutional support, with the support of the Sports Department of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, and local, with the involvement and contribution of all the Regions and Municipalities involved. There will be four regions involved: Piedmont, Lazio, Abruzzo and Emilia-Romagna, for a sports festival that promises to be one of a kind.

“It will not only be the world of roller world championships, but a true festival of young people – remarked the president of Fisr and World Skate, Sabatino Aracu – Each event, immersed in the heart of the cities, starting from Novara, Piedmont, Rome, Abruzzo, Emilia-Romagna, Lazio. An event to the rhythm of music, an essential soundtrack that will animate each competition in a mix of tricks, jumps, emotions, sports records and team games. Novara will then be among the protagonists of the event, hosting the Roller Hockey competitions. A city and a region that have a great hockey tradition and history. We are sure to guarantee an exceptional show and to entertain and enthuse many people”.

Novara will host the Rink Hockey and Italian National Team games. The Piedmontese city has a century-old history in the discipline of Rink Hockey. For more than thirty years it has been one of the Italian sports capitals, thanks to its club and one of the most successful teams in all of Italy (32 championships). From the historic outdoor rink on Viale Buonarroti, where the first champions and the first strong interest in rollers were born, until 1969, the date of the construction of the Palasport on Viale Kennedy, which became the temple of world rollers, until the 2000s. Many players who, starting from these two rinks, have become stars of the world firmament of Rink Hockey. In 2024 the return to the top national series, with the promotion of Azzurra Novara to Serie A1, to find the level that the city and the Novara public deserve. Now the World Skate Games Italy 2024 are coming, accompanied by the desire of all Novara sports, and not only, to rediscover the same interest and love for the tradition that Rink Hockey has given in these one hundred years of history.

“I am happy and proud that our Novara can host the Roller Hockey World Championship – underlined Ivan De Grandis, Sports Councillor of the Municipality of Novara: especially in the year in which we celebrate the 40th anniversary of the 1984 World Championships, held in our city, and the Centenary of Novara’s hockey history. In recent years, we have worked hard to improve the sports facilities of our city, starting with the Pala Dal Lago, a symbol of the history of Italian hockey. Having reached this high number of participants is a great source of pride and certifies the good work done so far by the organizing committee. But we certainly won’t stop here! Novara will be ready for such an important event, both nationally and especially internationally”.

The World Skate Games will be an event with impressive numbers: 12 disciplines, including the Olympic one of skateboarding, 4 regions involved, 20 different locations, 12,000 athletes and teams, 600 competitions, 100 participating countries, over 100 TV and media broadcasts, more than 150 titles to be awarded, for the event that, at an international level, awards the most titles in the history of sporting events. These are just some of the numbers of the extraordinary World Championship of World Championships.

The disciplines: Figure Skating – Speed ​​Skating – Skateboarding – Skate Cross – Roller Hockey – Inline Hockey – Downhill – Roller Freestyle – Slalom – Scootering – Roller Derby – Inline Freestyle.

The regions involved: Piedmont, Lazio, Abruzzo, Emilia-Romagna. Rome will also host the spectacular Opening Ceremony, scheduled for September 6th, at Piazza di Spagna. For several years now, roller sport disciplines have enjoyed enormous media appeal, thousands of followers and a constantly growing international following, thanks to significant numbers and many enthusiasts and athletes.

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