HIFK promised a confident speech in front of his new boss – made a tough promise at the booking event – Sports

Aron Kiviharju was booked with number 122.

Helsinki Defender playing in IFK’s SM league team Aron Kiviharju was booked for the NHL at the weekend. A few years ago, Kiviharju was rated as one of the toughest promises at the booking event, but in the end the booking stretched all the way to the fourth round.

Part of the reason for the decline in Kiviharju’s shares was a knee injury last season, due to the rehabilitation of which the season was short and the shows few. In the SM league, Kiviharju only had time to play seven matches, and in addition, he had time to participate in the under-18 World Cup home games in the spring.

Kiviharju was eventually booked by the Minnesota Wild at number 122. Even though the booking was far from the top, Kiviharju cannot be accused of a lack of self-confidence. In the video published by Minnesota, the HIFK defender goes to meet the club management and gives strong guarantees that the reservation was worth it.

“Let me say one thing. You made the heaviest robbery of this booking event. I promise it,” Kiviharju said to the GM of the Minnesota Wild Bill Guerinille.

For Kiviharju, Minnesota is not just any team, but the favorite club from early childhood. At the end of 2022, Kiviharju’s hockey father Jani Kiviharju toldthat Aron was adopted at the age of 3 Mikko Koivun jersey. Before his move to HIFK, Kiviharju played in TPS, where Koivu was his father’s teammate.

According to Jani Kiviharju, he had to be able to skate with his jersey on, and Wild was closely monitored.

“Aron was three when he memorized the players of the Minnesota Wild. He was really passionate and still is,” Jani Kiviharju said a year and a half ago.

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