The venting of Merih Demiral has caused doubts.

Turkey who became the hero of the night with two goals in the quarter-final win Merih Demiral, 26, has received serious accusations. The defender celebrated his second hit of the match by making the so-called “wolf salute” with his hands.

Among other things, Saksalaislehti You know according to Demiral, the symbol shown by Demiral is known as the symbol used by the Turkish extremist organization Gray Wolves. The organization is a paramilitary ally of the extreme right-wing National Action Party in Turkey.

Uefa announced on Wednesday that it will start an investigation into the incident, which Bild calls a “scandal” in its story.

German reporter Tobias Huchin according to the Turk, the sign used by the Turk is even comparable to the greeting favored by the Nazi Germans, because the Gray Wolves Adolf Hitler as one example.

Demiralin according to himself, his hand signals do not contain any kind of hidden communication.

“My fandom is part of my Turkish identity. I saw fans making the gesture in the stands, so I did it myself,” the Turkish told Austrian newspaper Kronen Zeitung. by.

The newspaper says that Demiral may face a suspension as a result of his venting. Turkey’s next match is Saturday’s quarter-final against the Netherlands.

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