The fanfare of the EC tournament takes more rounds.

Turkey president Recep Tayyip Erdogan cancels his other trips and travels to Germany for the European football championships, German newspaper Bild tells.

According to Bild, which relies on information from the Turkish media, Erdogan’s decision is related to the Turkish European football team’s Merih Demiralin to ventilate after the goal. The ventilation has created a great commotion.

In Berlin, Erdogan is scheduled to watch Turkey’s quarterfinal match against the Netherlands. The match will be played on Saturday at the Olympic Stadium in Berlin.

According to Bild, Erdogan was originally supposed to travel to Azerbaijan on Saturday.

Demiral vented after his goal against Austria by doing the so-called wolf salute.

The gesture is considered a symbol used by the Turkish extremist organization Gray Wolves. According to Demiral himself, his hand signals do not contain any kind of hidden communication.

Uefa announced on Wednesday that it would start an investigation into the incident.

German Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser has condemned Demiral’s venting on the messaging service X. The Turkish Foreign Ministry, on the other hand, does not accept UEFA’s decision to investigate the case.

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