Goalkeeper Bento watched Athletico’s 2-1 defeat to São Paulo last Wednesday (3), at Ligga Arena, on the plane taking the Brazilian team to Las Vegas.

The Furacão’s starting goalkeeper is part of the team that is competing in the Copa América in the United States and will face Uruguay, next Saturday (6), in the quarterfinals of the international tournament.

Bento watched the Brasileirão duel alongside Rafael, São Paulo’s goalkeeper, who was also called up by coach Dorival Júnior. The photo of Bento and Rafael was published by the president of São Paulo, Julio Casares, head of the Brazilian delegation in the United States.

Bento’s replacement, Léo Linck was sent off at Athletico

With Bento in the Brazilian national team and a target for European and Arab clubs in the transfer market, Athletico has been betting on young Léo Linck as the starting player in the position.

The goalkeeper had been playing an excellent match against São Paulo, despite Atlético’s defeat, with important interventions at the Ligga Arena. However, at 31 minutes into the second half, he ended up getting involved in a dispute with left-back Wellington.

In a moment of irritation, Linck ended up kicking the São Paulo player without the ball, while the game was stopped. After consulting the VAR, the red-black goalkeeper was sent off. A scenario that, on the other hand, led to the debut of young Mycael in the Furacão’s main team.

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