At the Olympic Village, people sleep on cardboard. Chiara Pellacani shows her room

If you don’t choose the ‘right’ sport when you’re young, one of those where sponsors and stellar salaries are available, it can happen that the most important appointment of your career falls on you. sleep on a cardboard bed with recycled plastic mattress. And find the circumstance even funny and morally correct. So that in the video posted on Instagram the reaction to such a spartan welcome comes not from the guest athlete, but from the plethora of followers and commentators accustomed to envying the vices and whims of rich champions like Croesus.

It happens at Paris Olympic Village. By definition, the Olympic villages are more like Franciscan student residences than 5-star hotels. And the revelation comes from diving champion Chiara Pellacani, Not yet 22 years old and already a haul of gold, silver and bronze in various international championships. On Instagram he showed his accommodation, double room, open wardrobes and plastic and cardboard beds, “which in the end is also comfortable”.

All told with lightness and a smile, which do not avoid the tirade of commentators who attack the national team players, for not having yet digested the sad and rapid epilogue of the European adventure on German soil. But deep down there are also those who understand the true meaning of the posted video and encourage the young champion.

By Editor

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