Dinamo’s kids beat Shakhtar: Great games by Mikić and Pavić, Baković scored for a great victory

Dinamo defeated Shakhtar 1-0 in the first preparatory match (the second one is scheduled for tomorrow at 19:00), the scorer of the only goal was young Tomas Baković. The young hopes of Dinamo presented themselves in a great light, they parried excellently, and in the end they defeated the much more experienced Ukrainian team.

Sergej Jakirovć on the field he sent a combined squad consisting of Zagorac – Miki, Bernauer, Torrente, Ogiwara – Vrban, Pavi, Bakovi. – Kačavenda, Kulenović, Horvat. Dinamo played with many kids (Mikić, Pavić, Baković and Horvat from the beginning, later Jakirović, Zebić, Šunta, Miljak and Ćutuk), only slightly older Vrbančićem and made a very good impression against the Ukrainians. Although one has to be realistic, Shakhtar was not in the best lineup either.

We saw a former Dinamo player in the guest ranks Bartolo Franjića (first he was a stopper, later a midfielder), there was also the diminutive Newerton, a wingerč who has been seen in recent weeks as a potential reinforcement of Hajduk. Newerton showed a lot, at the beginning of the second part he went alone towards Filipova, but the reserve goalkeeper of Dinamo was more successful. A few minutes later he hit the post.

Zagreb: Match as part of football preparations, GNK Dinamo – FC Shakhtar Donetsk |
Foto: Josip Regovic/PIXSELL

The starting composition of the Ukrainian team was worth more than 20 million euros, Dinamo’s kids coped well with a faster, more motoric and better selected rival. In the stands of Hitrec-Kacijana, we saw numerous first-team players from Dinamo and Shakhtar, he was also there Dario Srna who watched the duel in company Marka Marića. There were also Velimir Zajec, Zorislav Srebrić, Ivan Cvjetković…

Dinamo scored the winning goal in the 67th minute, shocking the Ukrainians – Tomas Baković. Kačavenda and Kulenović passed brilliantly on the right side, Kačavenda then on the other side found Baković who cheated Vinicius Tobiasand calmly negotiated for 1-0.

Zagreb: Match as part of football preparations, GNK Dinamo – FC Shakhtar Donetsk |
Foto: Josip Regovic/PIXSELL

Jakirovć started to introduce young forces, so the “blue” duel ended with Filipović – Mikić, Zebić, Jakirović, Perković – Shunta, Pavić, Vrbančić – Miljak, Ćutuk, Horvat. And with that, in the last 15 minutes or so, these guys built their network. And there was panic. Vinicius Tobias broke through his side, in one vertical rush and hit the post.

In Dinamo’s ranks, the stoppers were excellent Bernauer and Torrente, very good games were played by Mikić and Pavić, Kačavenda and Kulenović were excellent.

By Editor

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