Sports betting in amateur football: beer, bratwurst & big business

There is a lot of betting on German amateur football, as an ARD documentary shows. This makes the sport vulnerable to manipulation. Affected clubs, such as the Bavarian league team FC Deisenhofen, knew nothing about it – and are now helping themselves.

In amateur football, many things are at the forefront. The fun of the sport, the camaraderie in the club, the voluntary work. Money, however, is thought to play hardly any role, unlike in professional football. In high-level amateur football, the odd player may earn a few euros with the help of a generous sponsor, but big money is not to be made in lower-class football – at least not for players and clubs. Others are clearly doing a decent business with amateur footballers: numerous sports betting providers allow you to bet money on German amateur football, for example on games in the fifth-tier Bayernliga.

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