Asanović and Štimac shared medals at the closing of the Games

The 28th season of the Plasma Youth Sports Games, which gathered more than 328,870 participants this year in Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Slovenia, was closed with a ceremonial ceremony on the Split Riva. Establishesč and the president of this largest amateur sports event in Europe Hello Marić he said:

– Thank you to the governments of all four countries for supporting us and thank you to all the sponsors for giving the children the opportunity to do everything for free at the Games, to play sports, to socialize, to spread the word. tolerance and fair play. At the end of this record-breaking season, I want to thank all the children who participated, who are the reason why the Games exist and for which we will do everything to expand to other countries.

The participants, organizers of the Games and guests of the city of Split were also greeted by the host, mayor Ivica Puljak:

– We are especially proud that the Youth Sports Games were created in Split. I hope you have a great time, do sports and see you at the same place next year.

At the closing ceremony, in addition to the 824 participants of the international final, distinguished guests were also present: European Commission Commissioner for Budget and Administration Johannes Hahn, US Ambassador to Serbia Christopher Robert Hill and his wife Julie, Minister of the Republic of Serbia Zoran Gajić, Minister of Economy, Tourism and Sports of the Republic of Slovenia Matjaž Han, Minister of Education and Science of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina Jasna Duraković, Minister of Sports of North Macedonia Borko Ristovski, Minister for Human and Minority Rights and Social Dialogue in the Government of Serbia Tomislav Žigmanov, Minister without portfolio in charge of coordinating activities and measures in in the field of relations with the diaspora in the Government of Serbia Đorđe Milićević, minister without portfolio in charge of the area of ​​development improvement of underdeveloped municipalities in the Government of Serbia Novica Tončev, sponsor representatives: Zoran Bogdanović, Frank O’Donell, Marcel Martin – European management top of Coca Cola Hellenic Bottling Company, Dora Strezova Nikolova, Gorica Stojković – Coca Cola HBC Adria and Serbia, Dragan Stajković, Ognjen Lazić, Ana Kovačević, Milica Šetka – general manager and marketing department of the company Bambi ad, Adrian Ježina, Mislav Galler, Damir Vrsajković – President and members of the Telemach Hrvatska Administration, President of the Croatian Football Association Marijan Kusti, President of the World Chess Federation Arkadij Dvorkovi, Mayor of Tirana Erion Veliaj, famous athletes Nemanja Vidi, Aleksandar Kolarov, Stipe Pletikosa, Milan Rapai, Predrag Mijatovi, Joško Jeli, Igor Štimac, Aitor Karanka, Mehmed Bacarondarevi, Barbara Mati, Andreja Leški, Larisa Ceri, Tijana Bogdanovi, Valent Sinkovi…

The Minister of Tourism and Sports Tonči Glavina greeted everyone gathered at the “most beautiful Riva in the world”:

– It is my special honor and pleasure to be able to greet you on behalf of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Croatia, Mr. Andrej Plenkovi, in front of the Ministry of Tourism and Sports and my personal name. I congratulate you on another successful Youth Sports Games, and I congratulate each of you over 300 thousand who participated this year and who are achieving results because you participate in sports. I hope and believe that many of you will continue to play sports precisely thanks to what the Youth Sports Games have awakened in you. Participate in sports, be athletes, because sports will surely awaken the best in you, a human being. I declare the 2024 Youth Sports Games closed.

With spectacular fireworks, music and dance performances, the program continued with a two-hour concert by young and talented musicians Martin Kosovac, Ana Širić, Sergej Božić and Natali Radovčić, who delighted the region with their effort and perseverance through the competitive program . After the performance of the young musicians, all visitors and citizens of Split could enjoy the concert of the great singer-songwriter Marija Mirkovi.

Alta banka The international finale of the Plasma Youth Sports Games will be held in Split from August 19 to 24. Although they gathered because of the competition, the atmosphere at the international final is extraordinary, and children and young people from Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Slovenia in Split get to know each other, make friends, swim and eagerly await the Alata banka festival. season closing and All Star Sports Day.

Photo: Karlo Sutalo

The highlight of the competition in ten sports disciplines was the grand final of the Coca-Cola Cup, the largest indoor soccer tournament in Europe, and the victory was won by the teams from Bosnia and Herzegovina, FK Pirometal in the men’s competition and Radnik in the women’s competition. From Croatia, the NK Rijeka team won silver in the women’s competition, while GOŠK Dubrovnik 1919 finished the competition in fourth place. Medals to the best teams and individuals were awarded by soccer legends Aljoša Asanović and Igor Štimac, Minister of Sports of North Macedonia Borko Ristovski, Minister of Sports of Serbia Zoran Gajić and foundedč and president of Plazma Youth Sports Games Zdravko Marić.

Photo: Karlo Sutalo

As part of the closing of the 28th season, the All star sports day will be held, where Šime Vrsaljko and Aleksander Kolarov will become the new ambassadors of SIM, chess will be played on the Riva and a exhibition match will be held in the branch. .

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