Nathalie Blomqvist’s incredible momentum continues

Nathalie Blomqvist dazzled in the Lausanne competition.

Diamond League In the Lausanne competition on Thursday, he clearly shone as the brightest Finnish star Nathalie Blomqvist23.

Blomqvist, who finished sixth in the tough race, ran the 3,000 meter distance in a blistering time of 8:32.33, which is only one tenth weaker than the Finnish record – a record that Blomqvist already holds.

Blomqvist improved at the end of May earlier Päivi Tikkanen held the Finnish record for 3,000 meters by almost ten seconds.

Expert Lauri Hollo says Blomqvist is an exceptional talent.

“Blomqvist has an exceptional attitude towards sports and playing sports as a way of life. The investment he made is huge. Everything is done last. He doesn’t want to settle for the European level, but wants to be in the top group in the world,” Hollo praises.

Blomqvist is still a young athlete, and he still has a lot of potential to develop further.

Unfortunately, the 3,000 meter run is not an Olympic sport. Instead, Blomqvist competed at the Paris Olympics in the 5,000 meters, where Hollo sees her lower chances of success.

“Blomqvist has run the SE clearly even with the vito, but the Africans want to be pretty tough with the vito,” says Hollo.

“With three tons, the difference to the top of the world is comparatively a bit smaller, because the distance is not so much. In addition, there are more entrepreneurs on the 5,000-meter distance”, because more value races are run than these non-value races.



Nathalie Blomqvist is one of the most promising Finnish runners.

I consider it quite possible that Blomqvist will become a runner at the final level of the global prestige race.

On the other hand, Blomqvist’s development has been wild lately. Last year was the first time Blomqvist tried running the 5,000 meters, and since that year he has improved over 36 seconds over the distance.

Even in the 3,000-meter distance, Blomqvist has improved by more than 41 seconds in a couple of years.

In the past, Blomqvist has had long periods in his career when he has not been able to run due to Achilles problems. As long as he avoids injuries, the pace of development can remain fast, says Hollo.

“Health is everything. If he is able to repeat more similar training sessions when he is healthy, the development will come with it. I consider it quite possible that Blomqvist will become a runner at the final level of a global competition.”

of Lausanne High jumpers also competed in the Diamond League Ella Junnila and a javelin thrower Lassi Etelätalo.

Junnila’s result was a poor 184 for her and she finished tenth in the race. Two throws were measured from Etelätalo (73.68 and 73.12). He was ninth in the race.

By Editor

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