Salaries already late in Šibenik?

Sibenik was the most beautiful story of the introductory part of HNL. After five rounds, the former second division team in the elite ranks holds a great fourth place with nine points. The Orangemen beat Osijek and Lokomotiva away and Slaven at home, and they lost away to Dinamo and, most recently, Gorica. Before the match in Turopolje, Mario Carevi, coach of Šibenik, was worried.

– We are strong as a team and we don’t have big stars, and we don’t need them. I am happy to lead this group. Guys who are ready to fight for each other. I can only say this – considering the conditions and circumstances in which we work, they are great heroes for me. Don’t ask me anything more on that topic – commented Carević.

He was not even more optimistic after the match in Gorica. He said that he will think about his future in the club and that he works in “non-football” conditions. The match with Gorica was last Friday, and the players then got a three-day rest. The players started training on Monday, and the conditions are disastrous.

The lawn at Šubićevac was destroyed after an American football game was played there a few days ago. As part of the ELF (European League of American Football), Hamburg Sea Devils and Madrid Bravos competed. This is why Šibenik played only one game at home in the first five rounds…

Therefore, Šibenik’s football players trained on an auxiliary field with artificial grass. To make matters worse, the turf in Crnica, which was used by Šibenik’s players, also suffered due to the excessively hot weather. On Šubićevac, these days, urban work is being done on the rehabilitation of lawns, on feeding and seeding.

However, it is not Tsarević meant “only” that when he referred to “non-football” conditions. Sports News reports that payments are late in Šibenik, but that the club’s leaders have promised to pay the arrears by September 15, with the owner Zcaronjejko Karajica.

Šibenik recently completed an exit transfer and this could help the club’s liquidity. Riječ is about 16-year-old Dominik Kartel, who never even made his debut for Šibenik’s first team, but Inter Milan followed him for a long time and recognized his talent and bought him. Kartelo played for Šibenik cadets last season and made 29 appearances. The young midfielder also scored five goals. His father Marko played for Šibenik for many years.

Let’s mention how sports director Marko Brklja brought an attack to the club from Šubievac. Zlatan Košević (19). He recently broke up with Dinamo and signed with Šibenik for three years. He will spend the first season on loan in the second league Dugopolje. Last year he excelled for the “Blues” in the junior league with 20 goals in 29 games, but he decided to seek his fortune in the Adriatic.


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