Mikaela Ingberg got jobs for 1,300 people – after that she got fired herself

Master’s studies at Abo Akademi keep the spear hero busy

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Mikaela Ingberg’s life has undergone major changes in the past year and a half.

A long employment relationship with Eezy United ended as a result of the company’s change negotiations in the summer of 2024.

Ingberg started his university studies at Åbo Akademi in autumn 2021 and changed his major in spring 2023.

In Paris, he stated that Finnish top sport has not achieved the desired results.

In July 50 years old Mikaela Ingbergin big changes have taken place in life during the last year and a half. In his professional life, he experienced disappointment this summer, when a long employment relationship ended as a result of the company’s change negotiations.

The three-time javelin medalist got used to success but also disappointments in his sports career. He knew how to prepare for losing his job.

“I already went through the grieving process before, in the spring of 2023, when the Eezy group bought our United unit,” says Ingberg.

Eezy United is a recruitment and personnel company aimed at athletes and coaches, whose hockey backgrounds Toni Dahlman, Antti-Jussi Niemi and Jarkko Ruutu founded in April 2020. Ingberg worked at Eezy United in various positions since December 2020.

“I am proud of what we have accomplished at United in just over three years and how we have been able to help athletes and coaches,” Ingberg stated in a message he published on the Linkedin website in August.



Eezy United used to operate as an independent company, but in the spring of 2023 it was merged into the Eezy specialist house.

“It was known that in such cases savings are usually sought, and change negotiations are likely,” says Ingberg.

“What saddens me the most is for the athletes if there is no more investment in this. There has been a need for the concept we created, however, we employed 1,300 athletes in the years 2020–2023.”

Based in Vaasa the woman had other things to think about during the summer than her employer’s actions.

“In June, I was on vacation in Rome during the European Championships and in August at the Olympic Games in Paris, watching golf, athletics and beach volleyball,” says Ingberg.

In addition, he has himself played golf abroad.

Last year, Ingberg promised that by her 50th birthday she would lift 65 kilograms in the parallel pull.

“In the spring, I was still on pace and managed to lift 62.5 kilos, but during the busy summer I stopped going to the gym, and I didn’t reach my goal.”

The gym beckons in the fall, which is a reasonable change for a sedentary worker anyway.

However, the strong-willed ex-athlete is not going to give up his project.

“The gym calls in the fall, which is a sensible change for a sedentary worker anyway.”



The breaststroke is a familiar exercise from a sports career.

Second a big change in Ingberg’s life is related to studying. He started his university studies in autumn 2021 while working at Åbo Akademi University, but decided to change his major after spring 2023.

“International marketing was my major, and I didn’t need a master’s degree, just a bachelor’s degree.”

Then came the aha experience.

“The management and organizational strategy I read as a minor was so attractive that I decided to change it to a major,” says Ingberg with an enthusiastic voice.

The change meant that the studies were extended by a couple of years, but that doesn’t bother Ingberg, who lives in Helsinki. According to him, studying has provided a meaningful counterbalance to the day job. However, one important thing for Ingberg, i.e. javelin training, has suffered from the packed calendar.

“There hasn’t been enough time for personal coaching anymore, but I have been involved in running camps.”



Mikaela Ingberg has been a familiar sight at sporting events even after her active career. Photo of the Sports Gala from January 2015.

Return working life is likely quite soon. Ingberg has had discussions with several parties.

“Lastly, there were two conversations this week.”

There is no rush for a new washing machine.

“I got Aamu TV Aftersweat-colleague From Laura Raitio my advice is that you shouldn’t rush now, but think carefully about what you want to do.”

Ingberg believes that the situation will become clearer during the fall.

Vasa IS – club’s member won the World Championship bronze in Gothenburg 1995 and European Championship bronze in Budapest 1998 and Munich 2002. His career ended with a shoulder injury in 2010.

Shortly after the end of his active career, Ingberg got on the payroll of the Olympic Committee. He worked in the Huippu sports unit as an expert and followed the development projects of Finnish elite sports from a close distance.



Mikaela Ingberg represented Finland in numerous prize competitions. Picture from the World Championships in Helsinki, August 2005.

In Paris, he had to state that the projects started in the early 2010s have not produced the desired results.

“Zero medals means that Finnish elite sports cannot let themselves off the hook when making an easy analysis,” says Ingberg and refers to the ongoing laundry.

A miserable medal balance can be good because it forces you to stop and think critically about the functionality of the system.

He says he talked to many top sports people in France.

“One of them stated that a miserable medal balance can be good because it forces you to stop and think critically about the functionality of the system.”

Ingbergin according to the reason for the modest success is not only in the direction of the Olympic Committee.

“Now everyone has to look in the mirror and think about whether training and related activities are at a high enough quality level in an international comparison. Based on the results, this is not the case.”



Mikaela Ingberg got to wave the blue cross flag several times during her career.

According to the spear legend, money does not make you happy.

“Additional funding does not guarantee results, but of course it should be possible to create the best possible conditions and support measures for athlete-coach couples.”

Ingberg is a bit skeptical if everyone talking about top sports is on the same page. Not everyone seems to understand the merciless logic of elite sports.

“Now we have to decide if we’re just going along or if we’re going to seriously pursue success and is it clear to everyone what success requires.”

By Editor

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