Staudenmann and Hiltbrunner win at the anniversary celebration in Appenzell

The people of Bern can celebrate two winners at the anniversary wrestling festival. It was to be expected that one of them would be called Fabian Staudenmann. But nobody had expected Fabio Hiltbrunner. Who is the 19-year-old?

The celebrations for the 125th anniversary of the Swiss Wrestling Association (ESV) began with a Sunday sermon. From the pulpit in the arena in Appenzell, the most powerful ESV official in sporting matters, Stefan Strebel, addressed his flock with powerful words: When a wrestler wins a fight, he should not cheer first, but rather rub the loser’s back, shake his hand and look him in the eye. And he expects the same humility from the spectators.

Strebel’s appeal is based on incidents that have angered diehard wrestling fans this season. For example, there were wrestlers who made derogatory gestures when they disagreed with a referee’s decision. And in certain places, whistles or insults against bad guys who were not popular with the audience could be heard from the stands.

Even the wrestling king complained about disrespectful behavior: Joel Wicki from central Switzerland no longer wants to wrestle as a guest in the canton of Bern after he was apparently insulted there. And so Stefan Strebel read out a plea that would have been enough to give any priest holy water. In his civilian life he is a CEO.

The wrestling king Wicki disappoints – the development of the top favorite Staudenmann astonishes

At first, however, it seemed as if a few wrestlers had almost fallen asleep during his sermon. Many of them had difficulty getting going, especially the Bernese, who are used to success. There were a number of lame draws, even between prominent athletes. And when there was a spectacular duel, the judges surprised even highly decorated TV experts with a strange standard for giving the marks. Not every wrestler could hide their anger at what Strebel would have wanted, but most of them pulled themselves together.

Fabio Hiltbrunner wins his last fight against wrestling king Joel Wicki.

Gian Ehrenzeller / Keystone


The arena in Appenzell had a capacity of almost 20,000 spectators. That’s more people than the canton of Appenzell Innerrhoden has inhabitants. At the end, it rained heavily.

Urs Flüeler / Keystone


And then everything was turned upside down. The Bernese suddenly went into a frenzy, their notorious teamwork worked – and soon they were unstoppable. In fact, in the end one of them even caused a sensation the likes of which has rarely been seen at a wrestling festival with a federal character.

His name: Fabio Hiltbrunner. He has never won a wreath festival and travelled to Appenzell as a complete outsider. Until recently, the man with the pale face and shoe size 51 was anything but a leader in the Bernese association, more of an altar boy. The athlete from the Emmentaler Schwingklub Sumiswald, a farmer in training, recently celebrated his 19th birthday.

Now, in Appenzell, Hiltbrunner defeated the wrestling king Wicki in his last fight and was thus already the winner of the festival before the final round. He didn’t know what to say about his exploit in front of the microphone. If the final round had ended in a draw, he would have been the only one on the winners list.

But because the highly-rated Fabian Staudenmann also triumphed in the grand finale in torrential rain, the Bernese had two festival winners to celebrate on the territory of their north-eastern Swiss rivals. In the final round, Staudenmann defeated Armon Orlik, the Graubünden native who grew up in a religious home and who once again narrowly missed out on a federal title.

The disappointing wrestling king Wicki, who had worked on the alp for many weeks this year, said during the festival that whoever won in Appenzell would also be a top favorite in a year’s time at the Federal Wrestling and Alpine Festival in Mollis. Now it is almost impossible to imagine that this role will apply to Hiltbrunner – but it certainly does to Fabian Staudenmann. He has once again confirmed why many experts see him as the next Bernese wrestling king. In contrast to the other really bad guys, he is more variable and consistent. And he has proven this season that he can hold his own in electrifying duels with Samuel Giger, another contender for the title of king.

Fabian Staudenmann (above) provides further proof of his class.

Gian Ehrenzeller / Keystone


Appenzell yodeling during the ceremony.

Urs Flüeler / Keystone


Anyone who knew Staudenmann, this guy from Guggisberg (where Vreneli comes from in the popular folk song), must be amazed at his development. He was considered a bit chubby when he was young and grew up in a restaurant. But then he discovered training with an Ironman triathlete – and became so ambitious that he even left his confirmation celebration early to prepare for the wrestling festival. Later, his great-grandmother gave him a fiver for each wreath.

Most recently, Staudenmann was inspired in training by the kings Matthias Glarner and Kilian Wenger. And he has matured into a strong personality with a broad intellectual horizon, who also dares to speak out against the authorities about abuses in his sport. In a letter, he complained that the space at the Brünig-Schwinget was too cramped and that the wrestlers there were not given enough appreciation – and he was certainly agreed with.

And after further training, Staudenmann began studying mathematics. He once said that in this field there is only right or wrong, nothing in between, and he liked that. Although he had to admit that he had taken on a bit too much, Staudenmann had obviously drawn the right conclusions.

Speaker warns public urinators about fines from police

And how much was the sermon that ESV official Strebel gave that morning of any use? The results are mixed. The speaker did have to issue one or two warnings. She warned the public urinating in public that the police were on the prowl and handing out fines.

At the end, the wrestlers received a hand-made Appenzeller belt as a gift, on which an emblem shows two fighters symbolically shaking hands. In addition to the belt and a cow, the sensational Hiltbrunner was also able to enjoy a fountain. This was the prize for the person who had fought the most attractively. Hiltbrunner will not soon forget this September 8, 2024.

By Editor

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