Global video game market revenue to reach 7 billion by 2028

He video game sector predicts a promising future at a global level in relation to its income, since it is expected that grow by 6 percent annually reaching the 257 billion dollars (around 230.819 million euros) in the year 2028.

Over the last few years, video games have become more present in the daily lives of users, something that is noticeable in the increase in the income of this industry. during the last year 2023 that, in the world market, managed to generate 196 billion dollars (around 176,058 million euros). This figure exceeds the income obtained from streaming services and movie theaters combined.

This has been announced by the consultora Bain & Company through a recent study, in which they have analyzed the Main trends that are defining the future of the video game sectoramong which the participation of young users stands out to grow the market, among others.

Specifically, according to the data obtained, the young players between 2 and 18 years old are the biggest source of growth in the video game marketin fact, almost 80 percent of them devote the 30 percent of his free time playing different titles.

This makes them an important driver in the industry, especially those players of between 13 and 17 years oldsince they dedicate around 9 and a half hours a week to play video games.

However, it is worth noting that the 31 percent of adult users Older people – aged 45 and over – They also identify themselves as ‘gamers’. Although, in this case, the average playing time is considerably reduced, with only 2 and a half hours per week.


As for the devices used to play, Nearly 70 percent of gamers surveyed use at least two different devicessuch as a PC and a video game console. This translates into a greater demand for accessibility and interoperability between video game platforms, so that make it easy to switch between those devices to be able to enjoy the titles in different formats without complications.

For example, some of these complications could be losing game progress when switching from one device to another, or not enjoy the same functions or services. Thus, in order to avoid these impediments, the 90 percent of the players surveyed have expressed wanting to “consolidate your experience into a single device.”

Thus, this demand for accessibility from players is being reflected in video game studios. According to Bain & Company, the 95 percent of studios with more than 50 developers are already working on creating multiplatform titles.

Following this line, the consultancy has also pointed out that, taking into account the Advances in technology in non-gaming devicesas is the case with smartphones or televisions, as well as the accessibility offered by cloud titles, Users will be able to consume your favorite titles without depending on consoles or a computer with specific features to support video games.

Bain & Company partner Tomás Moreno has commented on this, pointing out that, although console sales have grown “in absolute terms”, their presence in the market “has remained stable over the last decade.”“. This is in contrast to the games that have been designed for smartphonessince, currently, represent more than half of the global market.


All these trends together will guide the video game market that, as the consultancy has gathered, the income forecast rise to $257 billion by 2028 (around 230.819 billion euros), with an annual growth of 6 percent.

In addition to all this, Bain & Company has also referred to the Artificial Intelligence (AI) and their immersion in video games. Specifically, the data collected indicate that the The impact of user-generated content (UGC) “has been a determining factor for the industry in recent decades,” in fact, one in seven players has already created content within some video games.

With this in mind, it is something that It is currently being further enhanced with generative AI, which will accelerate this trend and “personalize experiences even more.”

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