Vietnam prepares resources to develop atomic energy

The Ministry of Science and Technology cooperates with Russian partners to prepare high-quality atomic energy human resources, joint research and technology transfer.

Minister of Science and Technology Huynh Thanh Dat and his delegation are visiting the Russian Federation from September 23-28 to strengthen the strategic cooperation relationship between the two countries in the fields of education, science, technology and innovation. On September 26, the delegation visited and worked with the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR). This is a research cradle with proud achievements and a place to train leading experts and scientists in the field of nuclear physics.

Minister Huynh Thanh Dat said that Vietnam always pays great attention to the field of atomic energy and its applications for peaceful purposes, and considers JINR an important partner. Vietnam aims to cooperate in scientific research with JINR in training human resources and effectively exploiting existing equipment in laboratories.

The delegation of the Ministry of Science and Technology visited outstanding laboratory facilities of JINR. Image: International Cooperation System

Currently, with a team of young officials and scientists working short and long-term every year at JINR, Vietnam has partly developed and gathered a number of quality research groups, capable of participating in research projects. Participate in developing research directions and proposing problems stemming from practical needs in science and technology development in Vietnam. Many Vietnamese researchers have been and are being trained to become PhDs (at JINR and Vietnam) in key scientific fields. This force gradually masters research and contributes to scientific publications in prestigious international journals on nuclear physics.

Accordingly, the Ministry of Science and Technology hopes that JINR Institute will continue to create conditions for Vietnamese scientists to work and research at the Institute, becoming excellent experts. This includes joining leading research groups at the Institute, attending short and long-term training courses as well as having the opportunity to develop and master specific research directions led by Vietnam.

Referring to the project to build the Center for Nuclear Science and Technology Research (CNST), Minister Dat said that this is the largest and most important cooperation activity to date between the National Atomic Energy Group and the United States. Russian State (Rosatom) and Ministry of Science and Technology.

Currently, the Vietnam Atomic Energy Institute (Vinatom) actively promotes research cooperation and sends staff to work at JINR to train key staff for the CNST Project. In the future, JINR plans to invest in installing a number of equipment systems at CNST, allowing Vietnamese, Russian and international scientists to participate in exploitation and research, as a branch of JINR in Vietnam. Vietnam. “This is a meaningful initiative, opening up opportunities to turn CNST into an international nuclear research center, promoting applied research and human resource training in the nuclear field,” the Minister said.

Minister Huynh Thanh Dat hopes that JINR will support Vietnam in implementing the CNST Project. Specifically, JINR supports the development of a human resource training plan for the period 2025-2030 for Vietnam to prepare for a new research reactor, and exploit research and application channels of the reactor; Together with Vinatom and Vietnamese research units, we will develop a roadmap for effective exploitation of the reactor after it comes into operation, with the direct participation of JINR and countries in the region.

Academician Grigory Trubnikov, Director of JINR, highly appreciated Vietnam’s great interest and contribution in promoting the effectiveness of scientific research cooperation activities with JINR in recent times. JINR has trained many of Vietnam’s leading scientists, typically the late Prof. Dr. Nguyen Dinh Tu and the late Prof. Academician Nguyen Van Hieu. Many other experts and scientists from Vietnam have also participated in research and work at the Institute, making an important contribution to the overall success of JINR. Accordingly, JINR commits to continue making important contributions to the development of the atomic energy industry in Vietnam in the coming time.

Previously, on September 24, the working group had a working session with Rosatom. Here, Minister Huynh Thanh Dat asked Rosatom General Director Alexey Likhachev to consider building a separate Cooperation Roadmap between the Ministry of Science and Technology and Rosatom Group for the period 2025 – 2030. In which, the content of cooperation in building China Atomic Energy Communication Center in Long Khanh City (Dong Nai), he emphasized, “this is an important task, very necessary for the success of the CNST Project”.

He also proposed that the two sides cooperate in research on advanced nuclear power technologies to serve socio-economic development, ensure energy security and combat climate change, expected to start in 2025; The two sides coordinate to organize conferences, seminars, scientific seminars, and courses to disseminate knowledge about atomic energy and nuclear power to the public, managers and relevant subjects; Cooperate in training human resources in the field of atomic energy for Vietnam, train research staff for the Vietnam Atomic Energy Institute and the atomic energy industry in coordination with sending research staff to work at the Dubna Institute of Nuclear Research (JINR) scheduled to start in 2025…

Bao Chi

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