The cloned creature could be longer than a blue whale

Siphonophores are unusual animals that consist of many single organisms called zooids, each zooid has a distinct function despite being genetically identical.

Siphonophore has a name Siphonophora live in every ocean around the world, specializing in eating small crustaceans, copepods and fish. This strange sea creature can be longer than the blue whale, the largest animal on Earth, reaching a length of up to 46 m, according to Live Science.

There are about 175 species of deep-sea siphonophores in all oceans. Many siphonophores look like long ropes but some are like fire jellyfish (Physalia physalis) are poisonous and look like jellyfish.

Although the siphonophore may appear to be a solitary animal, it is actually a colony of individual organisms called zooids, each of which serves a unique function. Some zooids specialize in capturing prey and digesting food while other zooids allow populations to reproduce or swim. A zooid cannot survive on its own because they specialize in performing one function, so they depend on each other to form their bodies. Siphonophore develops from a zooid that hatches from a fertilized egg. This first zooid develops a growth zone, from which the new zooid grows. Siphonophores clone themselves to create more and more zooids.

Siphonophores feed on a variety of small marine animals, including plankton, fish, and crustaceans. Zooids that use poison to catch prey have zooids equipped with small tentacles containing paralyzing poison. To hunt, they launch stinging tentacles and immobilize their prey before pulling food into their mouths. Marine biologists recorded a siphonophore feeding in western Australia in 2020. They discovered the siphonophore (Praya Dubia) giant 45.7 m long creates deadly spirals to trap prey off guard.

Many siphonophores are also bioluminescent and produce light through chemical reactions to attract prey. Although most species glow green or blue, a siphonophore of the genus Erenna was the first invertebrate to glow red. Red bioluminescence is rare because the short wavelengths of green and blue travel farther in the sea and are more evolutionarily useful to marine animals. According to a 2005 article published in the journal Science by marine biologist Steven Haddock of the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute, red light can help attract fish because they mistake red halos for algae. in the stomachs of prey such as copepods.

Siphonophores often become prey for sea turtles or large fish. However, some species can use stinging tentacles to defend themselves against predators. They are also the hunting target of tiny transparent crustaceans called phronima, which can bite through the siphonophore to live inside their bodies, causing them to gradually die.

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