These are the most played video games on Steam to date

In the last few hours a new order was known in the ranking of the video game platform Steam which shows which titles are most attracting players around the planet as of October 1st. On this occasion, el top 3 lo lideran Counter-strike 2, Pubg: battlegrounds, and Dota 2standing out for the number of users who have enjoyed these titles.

Next, We present you the 10 most played video games in the last week with details on the number of players.

One by one: the best 10 video games on the platform in the last week

1. Counter-strike 2 – 7,234,644 players

2. Pubg: battlegrounds – 3.504.671 jugadores

3. Dota 2 – 3,365,084 players

4. Banana – 2,165,376 players

5. Black myth: wukong – 1,650,595 players

6. Naraka: bladepoint – 1,337,298 players

7. Apex legends – 865,765 players

8. Wallpaper engine – 588,967 players

9. Rust – 496,787 players

10. Satisfactory – 484,909 players

What is the most popular video game in the world today?

This week, Counter-strike 2 is positioned in first place in the ranking, with a notable number of players, followed by Pubg: battlegrounds y Dota 2which complete the podium of the Steam ranking of the most popular video games in the gaming world.

What is Steam

Steam is the world’s largest digital distribution platform for video games, developed by Valve Corporation. Since its launch in 2003, Steam revolutionized the video game industry, allowing millions of users to buy, download and play an immense variety of titles..

The platform not only offers games of every genre imaginable, but also has features such as automatic updates, player communities, and support for mods, which enriches the user experience. Additionally, Steam is known for its massive sales and discounts, allowing players to access popular titles at discounted prices. It has a base of more than 100 million users and 30,000 games published so far.

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