Saudi Arabia’s Straight City construction site

Saudi Arabian authorities shared many new images at the construction site revealing the progress of the City in the desert of this country.

As The Line project continues to develop in the Saudi Arabian desert, a number of newly released construction details reveal the challenge of turning a rugged stretch of land into a futuristic super city, including including using one-fifth of all steel available today in the world, according to New Atlas. The vertical city is a key part of Saudi Arabia’s NEOM project to promote the transformation of the country’s oil-based economy towards tourism because cutting fossil fuel use is an inevitable trend. out in the coming years.

According to the plan, the Straight City will be 170 km long, although in the first phase, the project will only be 2.4 km long when completed in 2030. However, this is still an impressive achievement with a height of 500 m and a height of 500 m. 200 m wide. The city will be covered in mirrors on the outside and accommodate about 300,000 residents, with AI technology and surveillance cameras to monitor everything from garbage collection to water use.

To make the project a reality, the Saudi government built a new concrete factory worth $190 million that can produce 20,000 m3 of concrete per day, most of which will be used for the City and the rest will be used for other purposes. for other projects in the NEOM complex. In addition, more than 100,000 workers were mobilized to transport huge amounts of soil continuously all day, 7 days a week, to build a massive foundation for the project.

The process of building the City’s foundation pillars is straight. Image: NEOM

The foundation pillar construction process is ongoing with nearly 1,000 of the more than 30,000 foundation pillars completed to date. In addition, according to Arabian Gulf Business Insight, NEOM’s investment director Manar Al Moneef said the project is using 1/5 of the total amount of steel produced today in the world. Saudi Arabian authorities hope the project will continue to be the world’s largest customer for construction materials for decades.

NEOM organizers will be more transparent about the construction process to give investors peace of mind and hopefully attract more capital. In addition to Straight City, other prominent projects in the NEOM complex under construction in Saudi Arabia include Treyam, Epicon, and Xaynor.

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