Bill Gates attributes Microsoft’s success to putting all his focus and effort on one thing

The co-founder of Microsoft, Bill Gateshas attributed the success of his company to an exclusive dedication to software development during the first years of his professional career, as revealed in a recent interview with CNBC.

Gates, who dropped out of university to found Microsoft with Paul Allen, explained that his initial goal was to create quality software to bring computers closer to every home, an idea considered revolutionary at the time.

“Our phrase was ‘a personal computer on every desk and in every home,’ which sounds boring today, but back then [era] crazy,” declared the businessman, highlighting the ambition of his project at a time when technology was not yet accessible to the general public.

The technology magnate admitted that during his years at Microsoft he did not seek financial success, but instead focused on developing good code and showing the potential of computers. “Everything was Microsoft, all the time during my 20s… my vision of success was very Microsoft-centered”he stated.

Gates acknowledged that this intense dedication sacrificed other aspects of his personal life. “When I was 20, I didn’t believe in weekends and vacations. So, that was a little out of control, how I pushed myself,” he commented, now advising young university students to find a balance between work and rest.

After his retirement from Microsoft, the businessman has diversified his interests, no longer focusing on the world of technology and addressing topics such as climate change, physics and biology. In addition, he has committed to donating a large part of his fortune to social causes through his foundation.

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