Five tips to protect your personal data if you make an online purchase

Peru is one of the countries with the most cyber attacks in Latin America. It occupies the fourth position in the region, so it is necessary to know some methods of protection against possible theft, especially when making purchases online. Internet.

Online sales have grown significantly since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Nowadays there are more Internet campaigns, such as the Cyber ​​Days season, so it is important to take certain precautions.

Angello Chávez, head of e-commerce at pc Factory, points out that although there are advantages to electronic commerce, the user must also be proactive in protecting their personal information.

“From using secure connections to employing strong passwords, consumers can significantly reduce their exposure to risk,” he says.

These are some tips that you can follow:

– Use a secure connection: Only make purchases from trusted Wi-Fi connections and avoid public networks, as they are vulnerable to interception. Choose to shop from home or use a personal data connection for added security.

– Avoid storing payment information on websites: Although many sites allow you to save card details for future purchases, it is preferable to manually enter the information for each transaction. This reduces the risk in case your account is compromised.

– Buy only on secure websites: Before making any online purchase, verify that the website is legitimate and secure. Make sure the URL begins with “https://” and look for a lock icon in the address bar, which indicates that the connection is secure. Also, research the seller, read the opinions of other buyers and avoid making transactions on unknown or suspicious-looking sites.

– Use secure payment methods: Opt for payment methods that offer buyer protection, such as credit cards or online payment services like PayPal. These methods usually have fraud protection policies that can help you get your money back in case of problems.

– Sign out after purchasing: If you use a shared or public device to make your purchases, be sure to sign out of your account after completing the transaction.

By Editor

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