Say goodbye to the set-top box: everything you need to know about watching smart TV

If you have a smart TV at home, you can say goodbye to the cumbersome converter box and simplify your viewing experience. Almost all TV channels offer dedicated apps that can be downloaded directly to the smart TV. This way you can watch broadcasts for free or connect to a paid subscription to one of the companies, without the need for an additional converter.

All you have to do is connect the smart TV to the home internet network, enter the app store built into the TV and download the apps for the channels or content providers you are interested in. For example, apps like Netflix, Disney+, Amazon Prime, or local services like Cellcom TV or Partner TV, are available at the click of a button.

The switch to apps makes it possible to save space in the dresser without the need for an additional converter, reduce the number of remotes in the house and centralize all control in one place. In addition, the smart TV gives access to a huge variety of content through various apps, including streaming, news and games. However, it is worth considering that connecting the apps to the TV via Wi-Fi can sometimes be slower than connecting via a physical converter, especially in “heavy” apps.

By the way, while companies like Cellcom TV, Partner TV or Amazon Prime offer fast and convenient interfaces, YES is left behind with a slow and outdated interface on smart TVs. The users are forced to go through an opening screen where they have to choose which of the household members is watching, which complicates the user experience. Despite our contacting the company several times regarding this problem, we have not yet received a clear answer regarding the repair of the interface. rope.


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