Snapdragon 8 Elite processor, a revolutionary OLED display and the realme UI 6.0 operating system, all the top-of-the-range innovations

After having shattered the sales records on the first day in China, the GT7 Pro, in realme’s intentions, is ready to redefine the standards of performance and mobile photography, offering users an unprecedented experience at a decidedly competitive price. The realme GT 7 Pro, powered by the Snapdragon 8 Elite processor, is positioned as an AI performance flagship, which redefines the boundaries of what an AI smartphone is capable of. As an “AI workhorse” and equipped with a host of advanced AI functions, it aims to revolutionize the industry in artificial intelligence. The realme GT 7 Pro seamlessly integrates artificial intelligence between efficiency, imaging and gaming, offering innovations such as AI Sketch to Image to transform sketches into detailed images, AI Motion Deblur and AI Telephoto Ultra Clarity for sharp and precise shots, and and finally, AI Game Super Resolution to enhance images up to 1.5K, offering an immersive gaming experience.

The realme GT 7 Pro debuts with realme UI 6.0, which offers a perfect blend of Fluid Design and advanced AI features. With adaptive colors and vivid animations, it offers a more dynamic and personalized user experience. New Flux themes allow for customization of icons, lock screens and wallpapers, while updated Live Alerts provide real-time updates without having to switch between apps. realme “Share” now supports faster, higher-quality file transfers, making cross-platform sharing easier than ever. Overall, UI 6.0 improves the experience of using the GT 7 Pro in a smooth, intelligent and simple way.

By Editor

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