Salesforce shows in Barcelona the power of autonomous AI agents to transform companies

Salesforce has presented in Barcelona the Agentforce platform, a technology capable of transforming the way in which companies use artificial intelligence (AI) and that uses autonomous agents to improve the effectiveness and productivity of companies.

He did so this Thursday at the Fundació Joan Miró in Montjuïc, where a meeting organized in collaboration with IDC was held, focused on artificial intelligence agents and their implementation in business processes.

The event brought together more than 200 attendees, including Salesforce customers and partners, who were able to learn first-hand about the most efficient, fastest and easiest way to take advantage of the full potential of AI thanks to the Agentforce AI agent platform.

Agentforce allows companies to create autonomous agents (or customize pre-built agents) that not only generate content or make suggestions, but are also capable of executing actions within a predetermined scope.

The head of Salesforce in southern Europe, Marco Hernansanz, has analyzed that society is entering the “most mature moment” of AI and, specifically, in the third wave, which follows the waves of predictive AI and generative in recent years, and has encouraged companies to include this technology in their strategic plans.

Agents are created in just 20 minutes, do not require prior programming knowledge, and it is possible to generate agents that automatically provide responses and perform specific actions such as managing appointment or reservation changes, among other tasks.

The regional vice president of sales, Dayana Peraza, explained that AI can be “completely autonomous” and another extension of the teams, and the regional vice president of sales, Jordi Ossó, has assured that the platform allows us to know customers better, which allows increasing the effectiveness and productivity of companies.


The senior director of solutions engineering, Gonzalo Goñi; the assistant vice president of cloud sales, Laura Guzmán, and the regional vice president of Salesforce Iberia, Laura Abarquero, have presented practical cases where autonomous agents have assisted clients who wanted to change their clothes.

Salesforce sees the platform as key to reinforcing trust in brands, especially in the face of the most important purchasing campaigns of the year.

A real example of a use case has been shared by the Technology Director of AEDAS Homes, Javier Sánchez, who has spoken of an autonomous agent trained to respond to queries from potential clients about any real estate project, facilitating and coordinating a first visit to the point. selling.

Sánchez has assessed that there is a great “imbalance” between the supply and demand for housing in Spain, and has explained that the platform allows them to scale their productivity to be able to build more apartments when they have land available.

IDC analyst, Iñaki Martínez, has presented the results of a survey carried out a month ago to more than 2,000 companies on the use of AI, and has indicated that “it is time to consider how to invest in AI and not leave it for later “.

On the other hand, the person in charge of systems and information technologies at Affinity PetCare, Alú Rodríguez; the global director of Digital Skin at ISDIN, Rod Menchaca; and the director of Insights and Business Development at Brico Depot Spain and Portugal, Francesca Maioli, have shared in a round table their vision on how autonomous agents and AI can impact the transformation of their businesses.


Catalonia is one of the main growth drivers for Salesforce and, with the aim of strengthening it, the company is developing a strategy aimed at expanding its ecosystem, so that it can offer a better service to companies and institutions in the territory.

Salesforce estimates that in its network of partners in Catalonia there are currently more than 2,000 certified professionals, who in total have more than 4,000 certifications in the company’s different technological solutions.

To support its business plans in this Autonomous Community, it aims for the number of professionals certified in Salesforce and the number of certifications to grow by around 30% next year.

Likewise, and with the purpose of promoting training and reducing the gap between demand and supply of professionals, Salesforce and Cloud Coachers, Salesforce’s official professional training partner, joined the Mobile World Capital Barcelona Talent alliance last year.


AI is helping to regain the strength of brands, as can be seen from the latest edition of the ‘Salesforce State of the AI ​​Connected Customer’ report, which points out that with the increase in autonomous agents, real opportunities are opening up for companies. win back consumers in upcoming purchasing campaigns.

This opportunity is greater with Generation Z (those born from the mid-90s to the mid-2000s), as up to 20% of buyers in this age group say they would feel comfortable with the support of a self-employed agent in their shopping.

Furthermore, Slack’s ‘Workforce Index’ has revealed, in its latest edition, how the adoption of AI is increasing in Spain, with 48 percent of workers excited about the prospect of AI replacing some tasks.

Even as business leaders continue to emphasize the urgency of leveraging this technology, global AI adoption rates have plateaued over the past three months, falling from 32% to just 36% (compared to an increase of 9% earlier this year).

By Editor

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