The Ministry of Science and Technology is leading the drafting of the Law on Science, Technology and Innovation with many new points, approaching international practices, creating a development corridor for this field.

At the meeting on December 25, Minister Huynh Thanh Dat, Head of the Drafting Committee of the Law Project, emphasized that the biggest goal is to build a favorable legal corridor, creating a breakthrough in the development of science, technology and innovation. national digital innovation and transformation. He requested the drafting committee and editorial team of the Law project to closely follow and promptly institutionalize the Party’s guidelines and policies, and the State’s laws. The regulations are consistent with Vietnamese practice and close to international practice.


Minister of Science and Technology Huynh Thanh Dat spoke at the meeting. Image: TTTT

According to the Minister, Resolution 57 of the Politburo emphasizes that the development of science and technology, innovation and digital transformation are the decisive factors for the development of countries “a prerequisite and an opportunity.” It’s best for our country to develop richly and powerfully in the new era – the era of national advancement.”

Therefore, “practice imposes great responsibility on the drafting board and editorial team”, the Minister said. He proposed that the development of the Law be based on the following viewpoints:

The first: Expand the scope and subjects of regulation of the Law to the non-public sector to promote scientific research, technological development and innovation, contributing more and more effectively to socio-economic development.

Monday: Streamlining the apparatus to focus on investing in improving the capacity of science and technology organizations and public research and development organizations; attract and utilize high quality human resources; strengthen links between research institutes, universities and businesses; attract extra-budget investment in science, technology and innovation; promote decentralization, decentralization, and simplify administrative procedures in state management; simplify processes and procedures, promote digital transformation in scientific research, technology development and innovation activities, especially in state management activities; Enhance transparency, ethics and integrity in science and technology activities.

Tuesday: Continuing to inherit the provisions of the 2013 Law on Science and Technology, which are also consistent with the Party’s policies and guidelines, in accordance with Vietnam’s development practices and international practices.


Drafting Committee of the Law Project at its meeting on December 25. Image: TTTT

Deputy Minister of Science and Technology Bui The Duy said that there are many new points being built at the Law project. The Law Project will establish adequate legal corridors to promote the development of the national innovation system, while encouraging innovation activities in businesses, communities and agencies. state management.

He said that the Law project supplements many regulations on public research and development organizations, especially operating in the State sector; Simplify the steps for approving science and technology tasks using state budget, reducing task approval time (proposal, identification, selection…) in the direction of reducing approval time, requirements, documents…

Tax policy principles for science, technology and innovation activities are also added as a basis for proposing specific incentives in tax laws; clarify research and development activities in the enterprise and the contents of expenditures for research and development activities of the enterprise…


Deputy Minister Bui The Duy said there are many new points stipulated in the Law Project. Image: TTTT

The draft Law includes 14 chapters and 83 articles; In which many main and important contents are inherited from the 2013 Law.

Contents to be amended, supplemented, and abolished for science and technology organizations, human resources, program management, and tasks; investment and finance; complete regulations on infrastructure and information; complete regulations on commercialization of research and development results; Supplement regulations to promote science, technology and innovation activities in businesses; Supplementing regulations on the national innovation system, policies for innovation centers of excellence…

At the meeting, representatives of ministries, branches, research institutes, universities, and businesses highly appreciated the new points stipulated in the Law project and raised additional proposals. Deputy Minister Bui The Duy said that the Ministry of Science and Technology will organize working sessions with each relevant ministry, branch and field to clarify the contents of the Law Project. Comments will be received as much as possible to complete the draft Law, ensuring feasibility and practicality.

The Law Project will be submitted to the National Assembly for comments at the 9th session (May 2025) and submitted to the National Assembly for consideration and approval at the 10th session (October 2025).

By Editor

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