The Rudong farm is about 287 hectares large and is expected to produce 1,500 m3 of hydrogen per hour and 468 million kWh of electricity per year, helping to significantly reduce emissions.
The Rudong offshore solar-hydrogen energy storage farm, located in the intertidal area of Jiangsu province, eastern China, has just officially come into operation, Global Times reported on January 5.
This is the largest farm of its kind in China, managed by Guohua Energy Investment company of CHN Energy Investment Group (CHN Energy). This is also China’s first integrated energy exploitation and coastal ecological management project with the capabilities of solar power generation, hydrogen production, hydrogen fueling and energy storage.
With a total installed capacity of 400 MW, the Rudong farm covers approximately 287 hectares, including a newly built 220 kV onshore booster station, a 60 MW/120 MWh energy storage facility, and a generation and charging station. hydrogen fuel with the ability to produce 1,500 standard m3 per hour through water electrolysis technology and refuel 500 kg per day.
This year, when fully operational, the farm is expected to generate an average of 468 million kWh of electricity per year, equivalent to saving about 151,000 tons of standard coal. This will help significantly reduce emissions, including about 309,400 tons of CO2, 562.6 tons of SO2 and 1,125.3 tons of NO2. Reducing emissions not only makes a major contribution to environmental protection goals, but also marks an important milestone in the transition to a more sustainable energy structure.
The Rudong project takes advantage of the region’s unique coastal intertidal resources, using advanced solar power technology and intelligent control systems to optimize energy conversion and storage efficiency. By integrating hydrogen production, the overall energy exploitation efficiency is further enhanced. This innovative solution not only enhances the regulatory capacity of the regional power grid but also significantly improves the stability of the power supply, according to CHN Energy.