The location of the magnetic north pole drifts towards Siberia

Citizens’ navigators and locators are updated automatically.

The summary is made by artificial intelligence and checked by a human.

The location of the Earth’s magnetic north pole officially changed on December 17.

The site is updated every five years because the magnetic pole is constantly wandering.

The pole is now moving from Canada towards Siberia. Its travel speed has slowed down in recent years.

American and British research institutes have published an increasingly accurate map of the Earth’s magnetism.

Christmas in the past, the captain of many ships and planes could check where the navigation devices placed the magnetic north pole.

Namely, the location of the magnetic pole officially changed on December 17.

If the navigation showed the old location, the captain or someone else had to update the location of the new magnetic pole.

This ensured that the captain could keep his ship or aircraft on course for the next half decade.

Magnetic the location of the north pole is officially changed every five years.

If the location of the Earth’s magnetic pole was not specified, it would lead ships and airplanes astray.

With the old updates, for example, a direct journey of about 8,500 kilometers from South Africa to Britain would take you on the wrong roads.

With old compass data, a ship or plane would drift about 150 kilometers astray.

The place the check is necessary, as the magnetic pole wanders along the north polar region day and night.

Nowadays, the magnetic north pole migrates from Canada towards Siberia. The hub moves all the time, but its speed varies.

When determining the new location, the researchers were more precise than ever.

US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and British Geological Survey (BGS) joined forces.

After a five-year break, they produced a new one, much more precise than before World Magnetic Model (WMM). At least the western world is following it.

Magnetic discovered the north pole in 1831 Sir James Clark Ross in northern Canada.

Now, almost 200 years later, scientists are able to trace the movements of the magnetic north pole very precisely.

It succeeds except for terrestrials magnetometriesalso with the help of satellites, says website Live Science.

Terrestrial magnetism is due to the internal structure of the earth.

When the movements and concentrations of magnetic iron and magnetic nickel change inside our planet, it also slightly changes the Earth’s magnetic field.

The liquid iron in the outer parts of the Earth’s core, i.e. the outer core, also moves. It also constantly changes the magnetic field.

When the entire planet’s magnetic field changes, it directly affects how the north and south poles of the earth’s magnetic axis are positioned.

The magnetic north and south poles are therefore in constant motion.

Sometimes the changes in magnetism are so fast that an emergency update is needed, he says website Science Alert. The last time an emergency update was needed was in 2019.

NORTH especially the movements of the navel have new features.

“Magnetic north moved slowly in the northern parts of Canada for a long time, at least since the 16th century,” says a modeler of the global geomagnetic field William Brown from BGS webpage on Science Alert.

“But over the past 20 years, the magnetic pole has been heading towards Siberia. The pace there accelerated every year until about five years ago,” he said.

“Then the movement suddenly slowed down from 50 kilometers to 35 kilometers a year. Such a surprising change has never been observed before.”



New field lines of the magnetic north pole.

To my own no one needs to update mobile phones and their locators. The change took place automatically.

One pole in the north does not change places.

Geographical and more familiar to us from map books is the geographic North Pole. It remains in its familiar place, i.e. at the northern intersection of the meridians.

By Editor

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