Did your notebook get wet? Here we explain what to do step by step

Although the electronic devices They come more and more equipped and resistant against practically all risks, the truth is that It takes many years for all of them to be waterproof. and do not get hurt by having contact with it. Given this, it is essential to know some techniques to know what to do if your notebook gets wet.

There are several recommendations to make the computer not destroy itself automatically and lose all its functions.

In the first instance and, as happens with any electronic device when it gets wet or the power goes out, you have to unplug it immediately to avoid a dangerous electric shock and hold down the power button for five or ten seconds.

Then, you have to put it upside down and, where possible, take out the battery. In some cases you have to unscrew the plate that covers the bottom of the equipment to access it.

It is essential that the person is calm during the process and do not despair, as it could lead to making a mistake or messing it up more.

Once these first steps of prevention, The device is now ready to be gently dried with a cloth or towel ideally lint-free.

If it wasn’t just a few drops and one was spilled significant amount of water or drink on the notebook, the ideal is leave it upside down so it drips and finish expelling the remains that remain in the interior parts. There is no need to shake it or maneuver it violently, since they can break easily.

Meanwhile, if the spill It was important, it is recommended Do not use the computer in the next 24 hours, since there may be some traces of water inside. The longer the wait time before using it again, the better for the user. device.

It should not be left under rice either. or some other food. Preferably it should remain free area although not in direct sunlight, as it can overheat its components.

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