Almost 80% of unemployed people use artificial intelligence to look for work in France

At least 77% of the unemployed in France have already used the Artificial intelligence (AI) in the process of finding a job, as help in writing a resume or simulating an interview, according to a study published this Thursday.

According to the AI ​​and Employment Observatory, women (79%) resort to the use of AI more than men (74%), and its use is practically the same regardless of the job seeker’s educational level.

The unemployed surveyed use it to “improve the quality of applications”, either by writing resumes or motivation letters (40%), to access more offers (33%), better identify their skills (29%) and prepare for interviews (19%).

The latter was the case of Elodie Germain, who after being a businesswoman “for eight years”, had to “retrain” in mid-2024 and “return to the job market”: “I had never been to a job interview, so I said to myself : Why not use AI?”

AI saves time, but reduces human contact. (Photo:

“I gave her a job description, I sent her my CV and I asked her: ‘Based on this data, can you simulate an interview?’” this 46-year-old woman explained to AFP, for whom this “regained her confidence.” and helped her get a job.

Although those surveyed in the study consider that these tools allow them to “save time,” 40% express their concern or reservations about “the lack of human relationships” (55%) or the risks regarding “data confidentiality and security.” (47%).

The Observatory, founded by the associations Diversidays and Konexio with the support of the French job search service France Travail and, carried out an online survey between October 15 and 28, in which 5,300 people participated.

By Editor

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