However, it is impossible not to emphasize that Chat Gipiti is not a person with an independent mind or intention. is a mechanism based on statistical algorithms, which try to predict the next word while relying on huge text samples. He does not “understand” ideas in the human sense, does not perform a process of moral judgment and cannot verify the facts in the same way that a human expert would. Moreover, the model is limited by the information it has learned up to a certain point, and according to public updates, some of the new information may not be available to it. Therefore, its use requires a critical approach and the ability to independently verify data. In academia, for example, there is no substitute for checking official sources or for in-depth reading of articles, even if Gipiti Chat offers smart summaries or preliminary ideas.
Adding context to each question
The effective way to start a conversation with Chat Gipity is to give it context. Instead of asking a question like “What are the benefits of a vegan diet?” It is useful to explain to the model in which framework the discussion takes place. If the intention is to write an academic article at the university, or to create a text with a high linguistic level for a lecture at a nutritionist conference, it is important to state this at the beginning of the prompt. Thus the model directs itself to a more complex and precise style. You can write: “I need a detailed academic paper, focusing on the health aspects of a vegan diet, intended for an audience of clinical dietitians.” The more context you provide, the more the answer will be shaped accordingly and not dragged down undesired hypothetical paths.
Follow-up questions as a sharpening technique
One of the most important ways to produce accurate and useful content from a Gipity chat is to ask follow-up questions after the first answer. If the initial answer is not detailed enough, you can ask for an extension: “Please also state the ecological consequences of a vegan diet and review recent medical studies on the subject.” Alternatively, if it seems to you that the model is trying to hit several fronts at the same time, you can refine: “Concentrate only on the health consequences and compare with studies on the Mediterranean diet.” Treat Gipity Chat as a discussion partner, which can be directed step by step towards the optimal product. This is an ongoing conversation, not a one-time request.
Controlling the length of responses
Sometimes the model responds with long bursts of text, and sometimes too short. To achieve better control, it is recommended to indicate in advance what the requested length is, for example: “Write a text of three paragraphs, but do not exceed 300 words.” If you uploaded a presentation and you need a short description on each slide, you can ask: “Summarize the main point in twenty words.” There is no absolute guarantee that the model will be accurate in the number of words, but usually it will try to get very close to the requirement. Repeated use of length guidelines will help you focus and avoid a scattered or too compressed answer.
Prompt returns to change style
The creativity of a Gipity chat can contribute greatly to a wide variety of purposes. If you received a text from him in a professional tone, but now you want to package the same idea in a new or lighter style, you can write: “Please repeat the answer, but now in a style suitable for an article in a popular daily newspaper, using short and rhythmic sentences.” This way you can produce several versions of the same idea, and choose between them according to the target audience. In the academy, for example, you can convert a text intended for advanced students to one suitable for beginners, or vice versa.
Information verification and criticality
Although Giphy Chat may provide impressive answers, it is worth remembering that some of them may be outdated or completely wrong, especially in dynamic fields of knowledge such as medicine, technology or social sciences. Therefore, it is appropriate to examine the things he brings up against reliable external sources, such as databases of academic articles, recent research literature or human experts. This is especially important when you want to publish information in professional forums or submit an academic assignment that has implications for your assessment. If you received numerical data, ask for references or state: “Do you have a reference for the studies you cite?” You will often find that the model is unable to specify specific research or is based on only general sources. Therein lies a shortcoming, but also a reminder that it is always desirable to check and verify.
Use as a brainstorming tool
Chat Giphy is not only a tool for creating finished texts, but also a useful “idea engine”. If you are considering an idea for a new chapter in a thesis, looking for a new research angle or want to come up with a short story, you can come up with an initial idea and ask the system for further development: “I have an idea for a historical novella that takes place in 19th century France, could you suggest secondary characters and a secondary plot that would add interest ?” Even if the answers are not perfect, they may feed the thought in creating original directions of development.
Defining boundaries and boundaries
Those who want to save time and unnecessary distractions would be wise to define the boundaries of the question. You can write: “Please refer to the developments in the world of artificial intelligence technology in the last year only, without touching the legal aspect or detailing tracking applications.” This way the answer will become more focused and will avoid references that are not relevant. In other words, if you allow the model to “jump” to any related field, it may produce a long response that strays from what you really need.
The perfect prompt wording
An interesting technique is to ask Chat Gipity to suggest the question that will yield the best answer. “Please formulate an ideal prompt for me, which will allow you to provide an accurate and comprehensive article on the subject of the third age and healthy nutrition.” Such an approach creates collaboration, where you rely on the model’s ability to refine the question. You do not lose control – in the end you choose whether to use the suggested prompt, but sometimes the ideas you receive enrich the query and reduce the chance of misunderstandings.
The temperature tip: controlling the degree of creativity
The “temperature” index is an important parameter that allows to influence the degree of creativity of a Gypsy chat. A low temperature, around 0.1 or 0.2, causes the system to stick to conservative and more or less known answers, so it is less likely to drift into unusual ideas or expressions. This approach is suitable for cases where you need official and accurate information, or for writing that focuses on scientific and reliable explanations. Conversely, a high temperature, close to 1, encourages the system to “allow” itself to offer creative solutions, amusing metaphors or unexpected directions. If you need help with brainstorming, writing a fictional screenplay, or preparing exceptional marketing content, raising the temperature may open the door to a wide range of possibilities. You should consider the level of temperature according to the area of discussion: in a project that requires precision and authority, it is better to maintain a higher degree of conservatism, while in literary or conceptual writing it is recommended to try and raise the temperature to the threshold that suits you.
Possible mistakes and language illusions
Artificial intelligence may make mistakes due to being based on a corpus of data that is not necessarily current or accurate in contexts of time and place. Chat Gipity does produce impressive answers, but they are not always based on proven evidence or verified facts. Since the model itself is not capable of exercising human judgment and critically verifying its content, the user is obliged to independently examine each claim. In this, the accuracy of the prompt plays a crucial role, because by precise guidance and clear requirements it is possible to prevent some of the language and content errors that sometimes appear in the model’s responses.
Also, keep in mind that AI does not understand sarcasm, innuendo or deep cultural connections in the same way that humans do. The date of the last update of the model significantly affects the timeliness of the responses it provides, and the gap between its current version and events happening in the actual world may result in irrelevant answers. These aspects illustrate why it is so important to define questions precisely, provide a clear background and sometimes also emphasize new changes that are required in the answer. In this way, inaccuracies can be reduced and Gipity Chat can be made a more reliable tool for diverse purposes, starting with academic writing and ending with the development of marketing ideas.