Madrid. NASA’s Goddard Institute of Space Studies George Tseliudis revealed that the clouds surrounding the earth have been reduced in the past two decades In a small, but tangible degreewhich translates into the entry of more light and an increase in global warming.

The study, published in the magazine Scienciehas been carried out for more than 20 years, in which the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) confirmed an imbalance, because there is more energy entering the planet from which it comes out. Much of this imbalance is due to greenhouse gas emissionsbut Tseliudis pointed out that The rest of the factors are still a challenge, because the loss of ice and the reduction of fogs are not enough to justify this deficit.

The researchers detailed that the clouds have different shapes and sizes, but two of the most consistent cloud stripes are formed by the large -scale air flow patterns of the earth. One of them is the band that is close to Ecuador, which extends around the planet as a belt and is formed when the winds of the northern and south hemispheres converge, forcing the wet air up to cool and condens in clouds. The other band is produced in the middle latitudes, where the stream currents give way to large stormy climate swirls around the planet.

Last August, the Tseliudis team published a study in which they demonstrated that, during the 35 years that covered the meteorological satellite images, the bands of equatorial clouds had narrowed, while the trajectories of the average latitudes storms had moved towards The poles, reducing their coverage.

At that time, the Tseliudis team discovered that cloud coverage falls approximately 1.5 percent per decade and that 80 percent of the general changes in reflectivity in these regions were due to the reduction of clouds.

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