The humpback male exceeded three oceans, identified with the help of a tail

The length of the club search was over 13,000 kilometers.

The abstract is made by artificial intelligence and checked by man.

The hiking of the river whale lasted five years and exceeded three oceans.

The male whale was just over 13,000 kilometers from Colombia to Sanzibar.

The Educator collected evidence of hiking through comparison of image banks and whale tail images.

Researchers believe that the main reason for the long hiking of the whale was to find a mating partner.

Male It took five years and the hiking took the three oceans. The most important thing was to get the company, concluded the curriculum.

Followed riverside (Megaptera novaeangliae) Hiking is the longest journey, which is measured from the pike on the surface of our ball.

The humpback whale applied for a club and also a sex club from an area that extended from the Colombian coast on the eastern Pacific to the coasts of the Sanzibar Islands. The islands are close to the African coast in the southwestern Indian Ocean.

This odysseia in the rivers was just over 13,000 kilometers long.

Humpback whale On his Taipale, he used the sea currents of the southern ocean. In the Atlantic Ocean, it apparently was associated with a foreign loft.

This is how the Whale’s journey has investigated Ted Cheeseman. He is a doctoral student at the University of Southern Cross in Australia and photo bank Happywhalen manager.

Cheeseman collected evidence of the journey with the help of the images databases. The whale can be identified in the images, for example, from the form of the tail.

At different times, the pictures show the same mature male in two places off Colombia. Five years later, the same tail stands out near Sansibar.

“I thought I had made a mistake,” he says in an email website for Live Sciencewhen the trip length became clear.

Not only was the length of the trip alarming, it was also interesting that an adventurous riverbed collided with several groups of humps on the way.

Humpback whales Generally, they wander well familiar to the routes.

They move between ocean eating sites. The trips of flocks are ranging from the cold of the polar nutrients to tropical areas where the humpback whales mate.

The rivers have been known that they can swim in the north-south direction over 8,000 kilometers in one year.

Usually they do not go as far away in the east-west direction. The lofts of the humpback whales are usually not related to other flocks.

Now, the long crossing of the oceans shows that humpback whales move more flexibly and differently than previously thought.

In the past, other quite long distances have been found. For example, a female group whale swam 9,800 kilometers from Brazil to Madagascar between 1999 and 2001.

In fresh The main reason for the long distance observed in the study was probably to find the opposite sex. The male may have tried to improve his chances as it became part of the new group of contraceptive whales.

There was a group of whales on Sanzibar, where the female was strictly guarded by the “main male”.

Other reasons for an unusually long adventure may have been changes in habitats.

The river whale movements reported Royal Society Science Open Science.

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