A revolutionary discovery was made from a meteorite that fell from Mars to Earth

The discovery was made from a meteorite that was thrown from Mars to Earth 5-10 million years ago.

Saharasta a revolutionary discovery has been made from a meteorite found more than ten years ago, reports CNN.

The meteorite was found in the Sahara desert in 2011. According to scientists, it was thrown from Mars to Earth after another celestial body hit the planet 5–10 million years ago.

A mineral was found in the Black Beauty meteorite from Mars, which has revealed 4.54 billion-year-old traces of water on Earth’s neighboring planet.

At issue are, according to CNN, the oldest evidence of ancient hot water on the “red planet”. According to CNN, the discovery could mean that Mars once had, for example, hot springs, as still exists on Earth.

The minerals also lend further support to other observations that water may have once flowed on Mars. The discovery also raises questions about whether Mars could have been a habitable planet.

It is still unclear when exactly water formed on Mars and how. Similarly, open questions are also related to when and how the water has disappeared.

A discovery based on this, water could once have flowed on Mars and Earth at the same time.

“Our findings point to the presence of water on the surface of Mars at the same time as, according to the evidence, also on the surface of the Earth for the first time, i.e. about 4.4 billion years ago,” says the main researcher of the study Jack Gillespie in his statement.

“This discovery provides new evidence to help us try to understand the planetary evolution of Mars, the processes that took place on Mars, and that Mars could have been a habitat for life.”

By Editor

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