The world’s oldest bird Wisdom laid up again

Albatross Wisdom will be again in the seventies.

World The oldest known wild bird has laid in mature age.

Albatross Wisdom is at least 74 years old, but still spun the egg at the end of November in the Midway Atoll Nature Reserve in the Pacific Ocean, US Nature Service reported.

Wisdom always returns to the same nesting place where it washed for decades in the same albatross dog with aleak.

In recent years, Akelands have no longer been seen, and Wisdom went into marriage with other dogs. The result is the first egg in four years.

“We believe the chick will hatch,” says the leading biologist in the protected area Jonathan Plissner. A happy family event is expected in about two months.

Renowned Emo has also appeared in recent years with HS In the Animal of the Weekthat said it had already flown five million kilometers and survived, among other things, tsunami.

According to Plissner, Wisdom’s recent woodenness gives the belief that it can still grow the chick. The new spouse also seems to be happy with long incubation shifts.

During his life, Wisdom has laid an estimated 50-60 eggs and has brought his wings 30 heads.

Scientists They rushed Wisdom in 1956 when it had just laid.

Large sea birds usually do not egg until they turned five. It is calculated from Wisdom’s age, which is very exceptional for albatross.

The new spouse is now ringing so that it can be followed.

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