Tricks to see Instagram’s stories without realizing

The stories of Instagram It is one of the favorite parts of users since they can share their personal life instantly, without having to make a publication about it.

In this sense, many users like to see the content that is shared in this environment, because they can be kept aware of what their best friends, family or acquaintances do.

However, you may want to see the stories they share without you finding out. If this is your case, we bring you two tricks that can work for you to see the stories without anyone knowing.

Tricks to see Instagram stories in secret

As we anticipated, there are two ways of seeing Instagram stories without being found out.

The first is to activate the airplane mode. With this tool the cell Internet will be deactivated, which will prevent you from leaving the stories of the other person.

To activate the airplane mode on your cell phone you only must:

  1. Open the Instagram application for a few minutes.
  2. Then slide the configuration menu that is located on the top of the screen.
  3. Click on “Airplane mode” to activate this tool.
  4. When activated, return to Instagram and open the story you want to visualize.
  5. With this, you can see the preview of the stories.
Screen capture

/ Grupa where

Take into account that due to the lack of the Internet, You may only load the first stories and not the followingalso that if they are videos, it is likely that you do not manage to visualize it.

The second method consists of access Instagram from a computer. Consider that you must have your session open on the platform to explore the content.

Once you have opened Instagram, go to the story you want to see but, don’t open it. You have to open the story before this, that is, that of another of your contacts.

Screen capture

/ Grupa where

When you open it, you can see the preview of the story you want to see. You can pause the story you are seeing at that time to see history more carefully.

It is important to know that this will only allow you to see a single story and not the others that the user has uploaded.

By Editor

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