The strongest winds in the exoplanet are much more severe than in the earth’s storms

In Irish storms, the winds moved up to almost 200 kilometers per hour. However, they would only be small blowers on the exoplanet WASP -17B.

The abstract is made by artificial intelligence and checked by man.

The WASP-127B exoplanet with the winds can move 33,000 kilometers per hour. It is a speed record for planetary winds in the universe.

The researchers investigated the wind speeds by measuring how carbon monoxide and water vapor moved in the planet’s gas frame.

The WASP-127B is a gas giant that circulates its parent star 520 light-years from the globe.

Group Astronomers have measured the fierce winds from an already familiar exoplanet.

With that planet’s equator, the speed of storm winds can rise to 33,000 kilometers per hour.

This can be compared to Irish storms last week. On the west coast of the country, the winds were estimated to blow up to almost 200 kilometers per hour.

The WASP-127B exoplanet is a gas giant that circles its parent star about 520 light years away.

It was already found in 2016, but it was only recently that the layers of its gas ring have been carefully studied.

Gas planet Apparently, his parent star is locked as the Moon has located its side towards the earth. So it shows the parent star the same side all the time.

The gas planet is slightly larger than Jupiter, but its mass is only 16 % of the Jupiter mass.

Therefore, the gasket of the exoplanet is obviously large. The researchers wanted to determine the different layers of the exoplanet’s gas ring.

Astronomer Lisa Nortmann The led by a group of Göttingen at the University used this big VLT teleskoopin Spectropography. The telescope is located in the Atacama desert in Chile.

Group He looked at the various specters of the star as the Wasp-127B walked in front of his parent star from the ground. The planet thus covered some of the light from the star.

In the filtered light, there were “fingerprints” of various molecules. They absorb light at different wavelengths.

For example, researchers found carbon monoxide and water vapor in the top gas layers of the planet.

They were amazed when two different wavelengths were found in the molecules.

Wavelength The peaks showed that some molecules were moving out of the planet’s interior. Some moved towards the center of the planet, at the same speed.

“My first thought was right away that some kind of wildly rotating breeze was on the planet,” Nortmann said New Scientistille.

A more detailed interpretation of the spectrum showed that the movement of the molecules was the highest in the planet’s equator.

Nortmannin The group concluded that the findings could be explained in the winds that blew an exoplanet on the equator.

“Data shows us that very fast shower winds move around the equator.”

The winds have been interpreted six times faster than the planet’s own speed of rotation. The reasons for the stunning weather are not fully understood, says Website

By comparison: The planet Neptune has a record of the fastest winds in our own solar system, less than 1,800 kilometers per hour.

The power of the exoplanet WASP-127B’s winds is astonishingly about 20 times.

Observations They also suggest that the temperatures of the exoplanet are different between the planet’s morning and evening.

It also speaks that the planet has complicated weather patterns, says the other writer of the study Fei yan ESO of the Southern Observatory of Europe in the press release.

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