Technology turns the mountain and clumps into perfume

British scientists are using genetically modified bacteria to produce perfume fuel from clumps often causing sewers.


Mountain weighs 130 tons under the London sewer pipe. Image: NPR

In a laboratory in Edinburgh, robotic machines cried and kneaded. The final product they produce is a pine chemical chemical that can be used as a perfume production material. But its origin is a brown greasy mixture that is usually groaned from the underground sewer, called the lipstick, according to BBC. Missed mountains often hide inside and seal the sewer. The development of technology used to transform fat into perfume is described as a new industrial revolution.

Professor Stephen Wallace from Edinburgh University is one of the participants in the project. “It is a crazy but effective idea,” Wallace admitted.

Mountain fertilizer is a fat block accumulated from cooking oil, waste from the toilet and food that people discharged into the sewer. Wallace collects samples from a company specializing in moving the mountains and clots from sewers and turns them into biofuels.

The first step is to sterilize the material in the boiler. After that, Wallace added bacteria to change specially into the rest of the mountain. This bacterium is added a short section of DNA to help them have their own characteristics. The bacteria gradually eat the mountains and clumps and produce the finished product is a chemical that smells pine.

.According to Wallace, despite leading in technology development, he now needs to take the next step, which is to switch to the stage of expanding scale to produce. “But there is a challenge in the UK to create infrastructure and proceed to commercialize at a speed commensurate with Europe and the US.

Wallace is working with two perfume companies interested in the process of using the mountain of fat because this technology is more sustainable than the method they are using, including creating perfume from chemicals taken from fossil fuels.

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