On the evening of January 25, the United 5528 flight attracted attention when creating a light snow during landing at Denver International Airport.
The United Flight 5528 flight of American Skywest Airlines landed at Denver International Airport after taking off from Williston Basin International Airport for about 2 hours and 30 minutes. The snow is very light and does not accumulate in a sufficient amount to measure on the ground, but it can be clearly seen on the weather radar. The radar image shows a long blue neon streak that appears behind the plane when it is landing on the runway, Interesting Engineering January 29 reported.
United Flight 5528 met a cloud of super cold water still liquid even when the temperature dropped below the freezing level. Typically, these droplets need a surface, called the condensed nucleus, to freeze and form the snowflake. However, when the plane flew over this super -cold water cloud, it accidentally provided the necessary particles to facilitate the snow.
Commercial aircraft often release a small amount of micro particles from the engine, including metal, hydrocarbon and soot. These seeds can play a nucleus for super refrigerated water drops, causing them to freeze when exposed.
This phenomenon is like a cloud sowing technique, a method of adjusting the weather in which some substances are put into the atmosphere to stimulate the rain. However, the situation of United Flight 5528 happened accidentally instead of intentional. When landing in an environment with temperatures below freezing and high humidity, the aircraft creates favorable conditions for snow to form. On the evening of January 25, the heat level was about -8 degrees Celsius and a vision reached 16 km.
The new event shows the complexity of the weather adjustment effort. A recent report from the US Government Office Office shows that, after decades of cloud sowing, making significant progress is still very difficult. The state of Utah is investing $ 12 million per year for cloud efforts, but the measurement effects with the weather are still limited.
Light snow battle due to the triggered United Flight 5528 flight showed a complicated relationship between aviation and atmospheric conditions. While trying to operate effectively and on time, airlines can accidentally affect local weather phenomena under certain conditions.
This brings a unique perspective on how human activities interact with nature. As the aviation industry continues to develop, the impact of such events will be very worthy of monitoring, especially when arguing around the weather adjustment techniques continued.
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