The Genetic diversity It is being lost throughout the planet, according to a study that covers more than three decades (from 1985 to 2019) and analyzes 628 species of animals, plants and fungi.
“The genetic diversity of two thirds of the populations studied is decreasing,” says those responsible for the work published in the magazine Naturewho say, however, find “positive flashes” in the midst of the general decline.
The deterioration of the population and the fragmentation of the species due to the human activity – disorder of their habitat or introduction of invasive species – can result in a decrease in genetic diversity within the species, which can threaten your long -term aptitude and survival.
The prediction of the change in genetic diversity is crucial when designing ecological interventions to combat the loss of species; However, there are limited data on the scope and patterns of loss of this diversity, explains a summary of the magazine.
To advance in this regard, and headed by Catherine Grueber, from the University of Sydney (Australia), the team conducted a systematic review of 882 studies that measured changes in genetic diversity between 1985 and 2019.
The data set covered 628 species, which included animals (84.7 %), plants (12.7 %), fungi (1.9 %) and chromists (0.6 %).
A loss of genetic diversity was observed in most terrestrial species (which constitute 90.2 % of the data set), while losses in the sea kingdom were more variable. The greatest details of genetic diversity were observed in birds and mammals.
The authors found that two thirds of the populations experienced at least one type of ecological disturbance. Less than half of the populations affected by threats were subject to conservation efforts, according to Nature.
Supplementation (addition of new individuals to a population of species) was the only intervention that showed an increase in genetic diversity over time.
These results highlight the need to carry out specific interventions to curb the loss of genetic diversity associated with human activity and could be used to guide such efforts to the maximum effect.
According to the authors, Conservation efforts designed to improve environmental conditions, grow populations and introduce new individuals for reproduction “are maintaining, and in some cases increasing”, the genetic diversity of populationsPoint out the Sydney University note.
“It is undeniable that biodiversity is decreasing at an unprecedented rate throughout the planet, but there are glimpses of hope. The action of conservationists is reversing these losses and helping to create genetically diverse populations that can better face the challenges of the future, ”says the researcher.
Among the successes achieved, The researchers mention the reintroduction of the Golden Bandal in areas of Western Australia and the effective treatment of diseases in populations of the blackhead meadow, which has improved the health of the colonies of the center-norte of Montana (United States).
Robyn Shaw, from the University of Canberra, emphasizes: “Despite the successes, we cannot fall asleep in the laurels.”
“Two thirds of the populations analyzed face threats, and among them less than half receive some type of conservation management. It is vital that we learn from what works to protect the long -term species. ”
The study includes researchers the United Kingdom, Sweden, Poland, Spain, Greece and China.
In Spain, a good example is the Iberian Lince, explains in a note, José Antonio Godoy, researcher at the Doñana Biological Station and also co -author of the study.
“The case of the Iberian lynx illustrates very well how a species loses genetic diversity as a consequence of the decline and also shows how conservation actions, including captivity and reinforcement of populations by translations, can improve the genetic situation and reverse the Demographic decline ”.