Mexico, at an economic disadvantage for not having a course in terms of

Due to its importance in economic and military development, the development of artificial intelligence (AI) is currently a national strategy in several countries.

While the United States, China, France and the European Union develop plans for its use, in Mexico There is still no established direction, which not only puts us at an economic disadvantage, but, missing principles and values ​​in the development, acquisition and implementation of this technology, we are at the mercy that actors or companies violate ethical principles or human rights or human rightswarns Anahiby Anyel Becerril Gil, specialist in law and technology, in his article Challenges for the legal regulation of artificial intelligence in the field of cybersecurity, Posted in the magazine IUS, of the Institute of Legal Sciences of Puebla.

The researcher adds that The issue is no longer if AI and automatic learning will be fundamental for the future of cybersecurity, but when and how we are going to deal with its use in this area. Are we prepared?

Becerril Gil explains that, Although we have come to build which in turn creates other artificial intelligences better than humans, people who generate these intelligences often do not understand how AI can behave. Therefore, the advantages of AI should not be exaggerated, but its use should not be prohibited. It is viable that we look for advantages and avoid disadvantages by maximizing your benefit.

In particular, the human rights specialist also suggests that real threats should be analyzed around the AI ​​applied to the Armento and Mildly career.

“The armament with AI is inevitable and although a consensus for its employment has not been achieved, it may be easier to agree than policies for its control. If we consider that there is currently no sufficient consensus regarding the interpretation of whether international humanitarian law in cyberspace provides legal protection for the civilian population, the use of technology such as AI, with its impacts still unknown, aggravates the situation and individual protection environment.

“Unfortunately, as history has reminded us on several occasions, a powerful language in an official document alone is not enough to prevent systematic violations of human rights. In the same way that he has taught us the dangers that the development of weapons brings with it, of which we do not know its real impacts (atomic bomb).

The lack of a global governance framework for technology runs the risk of fragmenting cyberspace, which could deter economic growth, aggravate geopolitical rivalries and expand divisions within societieswrite the researcher.

Of information wars to drone attacks

The AI, transformed into a weapon by human beings, can range from info-wars (Information and misinformation wars), to the development of attacks in conflicts between countries with the use of unmanned drones.

It is, Becerril details, of Sophisticated attack instruments, civil and military access used for combat purposes, controlled by military through monitors from distant bases of their place of attack. At present, the ultimate decision to determine the objective using unmanned drones remains human and in any case you must continue. However, technology is being developed that, with the use of AI, will allow drones to make decisions to determine the objective, that is, without human intervention.

Today, he reiterates, “Algorithms and machine learning are carried out by humans. Humans that naturally use the current context of their lives as a frame of reference of what should be ethical, of moral values, of prejudices, knowledge, experiences and contexts. All this is transferred to the learning of machines.

“In our hands it is that AI enables us the development of totally autonomous mass destruction weapons or will allow us to travel to an era of international stability and peace. The opportunity will determine the future.

The advent of AI provides an unprecedented opportunity to perform effective threat protection. Only by firmly this historical opportunity with a strong knowledge of the strategy and really making good use of AI technology we can contribute to cybersecurity, peace and international stabilityconcludes the text that can be consulted at Script = Sci_arttext & Pid = S1870-21 472021000200009

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