Greenland is now topical. There are polar bears. The diligent researchers have now found out new, true things about their fur.
After all, it is strange that the polar bear does not freeze, even though it swims and dives up to over 40 degrees Celsius.
In humans, the beard is in a staggering ski run, but the polar bear can press to go through the glacier in a diaper without any ice cream in Turkey.
Not Thinking about this? Professor of Physics at the University of Bergen Bodil Holst there is. He tells New Scientist in the magazine he watched a nature documentary when he took a thing.
The thick layer of fat and coat keep the polar bear really effectively inside the heat. So efficiently that the polar bears are hardly seen with a thermal camera when they do not shine out of the heat.
But this also means that the polar bear coat must be frosty, otherwise they would stand out from the background through the thermal camera.
Still, there is no ice in Turkey. The Inuites have long been aware of this and utilize polar bear leather, for example, on the soles of the shoes so that the ice and the snow does not crumble under the foot as the prey.
Holst His colleagues studied the hairs of the polar bear and found that the ice comes off four times more easily than human hair.
So the bear really easily shakes the ice cream off its fur. But as the hair was washed, they stopped rejecting the ice.
It turned out that the secret to icing is a fat coating. The polar bear’s skin is excreted by the sebum that lubricates the hair. The composition of the sebum is different from that of man.
You can read more about its chemical properties Science Advances from a science magazine in which Holst published his research.
Scientists They think that the fat bear fat could be developed for an excellent ski cream. You would no longer need to ski with chemical creams that are harmful to the environment. Maybe at the same time you could grease the beard, so it will not freeze when it is sip.