Rare giant ghost jellyfish

The giant ghost jellyfish was discovered in 1899 and the researchers only caught them about 120 times after that.


Ghost jellyfish has a super long arm. Image: Mbari

Giant ghost jellyfish has a scientific name Stygiomedusa gigantealiving in every ocean except the Northern Bang Duong, specializing in eating plankton and small fish, Live Science. The oceans on Earth are the residence of many unusual animals that humans rarely encounter, including jellyfish giant ghosts. This secrets of marine life have a meter wide with 4 arms like a ribbon of up to 10 m long, turning them into one of the largest vertebrates in the ocean.

The first giant jellyfish jellyfish was collected in 1899 and described in 1910. The researchers have only seen them about 120 times since then. It is because they often live in water to 6,700 m under the sea. They have good compressive and pressed body, helping them survive under extremely high pressure at such a high depth.

In 2022, researchers observed jellyfish ghost ghosts on three separate occasions on submarine expeditions in Antarctica. Image data shows that they swim in a relatively shallow area (80 – 280 m). In a report, the team showed that it is likely that living near the water at the high latitudes due to the seasonal difference of sunlight can promote the prey to move there.

Unlike other jellyfish species, the giant ghost jellyfish without tentacles to inject prey. Instead, they covered their arms around the prey and pulled them into their mouths. Giant ghost jellyfish also gives birth instead of laying eggs. The young child develops inside the mother’s body before separating from the inside of the hat and swimming out from the mouth of the mother jellyfish.

When there is an opinion, the giant ghost jellyfish emits light orange -red light through biological luminescence, which means that they create light through the natural chemical reaction. Although they do not know exactly why they glow, researchers think they can do so to communicate, make enemies confused or attract potential partners. However, due to the giant ghost jellyfish living in deep waters, where the red light cannot be shining, their light is very faint.

The giant ghost jellyfish live alone, but it seems that they also help protect the smaller marine. During an expedition in California Bay, experts at the Monterey Bay Aquarium saw Thalassobathia Pelagica hiding under jellyfish. In return, the fish helps jellyfish to remove parasites.

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