Absorbing minerals from rainwater, trovant rock blocks can “give birth” and increase in number for a long time.
A block of trovant stones with protruding lumps on the surface. Image: BBC
Nearly a village in Central Romania has stone blocks that can develop and reproduce as living objects. Another common stone is called Trovant extruding a small block of rocks, which can fall and grow themselves. Trovant almost exists only in Romania, especially near Costești village, where they are protected by the Nature Reserve Museum of Trovans. Rare geological and minerals in central Romania (as well as few places in Russia, Türkiye and the US) are essential to forming Trovant, including a hard stone surrounded by sandstone shell, according to the sand shell, according to Geology In.
Trovant grew up about 5 cm after 1,000 years through thick sand shell. That crust is made of stone pieces of limestone. It is so empty that it can absorb minerals like calcium carbinate from rainwater. After that, the shell acts as a cement mixer, combining minerals with water to create a leaking compound from the stone surface, increasing its circumference.
The result from the development process is that Trovant often bulges and smooth. The convex lumps may appear on Trovant if the rain often falls on the rock. Over thousands of years, they lead to the birth of young Trovant blocks. The weight of the young Trovant block can cause it to separate from the mother rock. Trovant has all shapes and sizes, from a few centimeters to several meters.
Geologists believe that Trovant was originally derived from earthquakes more than 5 million years ago. The vibration can compress the sediments containing sand from the ancient aquatic environment into round rock blocks. This hypothesis is strengthened by a two -piece animal fossil and the abdominal foot that researchers sometimes find inside Trovant.
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