Laser sailing technology pushes spacecraft flying speed

The strong laser beam shining into the spacecraft’s sail will push it quickly without chemical fuel, like the way the wind pushes the sailing.


Exploiting the laser thrust, scientists aims to bring the spacecraft to remote stars quickly. Image: Breakthrough Starshot

The group of scientists at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) develops light sailing technology that can bring the spacecraft to the remote star systems in the future, Space On February 8 reported. In the new study published in the magazine Nature Photonicsthey present the method of measuring the force of laser light on the sail – ultra -thin films.

New research helps promote Breakthrough Starshot initiative on laser travel. This initiative was initiated by Physics Stephen Hawking and technology investor Yuri Milner in 2016, aiming to launch small exploration ships to Alpha Centauri, the closest star system. According to the plan, high -power laser from the Earth will push sailing vessels in space like the wind boiling sailing at sea, allowing the spacecraft to reach a record speed without chemical push.

Light sails use radiation pressure from light source to create thrust. Radiation pressure is the momentum from radiation to a certain surface, like the wind blowing into the sail on Earth. The photon light particles have no mass, but they still transmit a portion of momentum when the object is shone into the object, pushing it gently.

A photon does not make a big difference, but trillions of phrotons hitting the surface will accumulate, especially in a vacuum. Radiation in the form of sunlight is enough to push the planet spacecraft deviating from trajectory thousands of kilometers. Therefore, this impact should be taken into account when launching the survey ship to Mars or other planets.

The higher energy version is the use of a laser beam from the ground or space to push the spacecraft’s light sail in a more oriented way. Laser provides continuous pressure on the sail, the synthetic impact of this radiation pressure creates a faster and more reliable speed than complex missiles using chemical pushers.

“The light sailing will move faster than any previous spacecraft, with the potential to overcome the interlocking distance to be able to explore by direct spacecraft,” Harry Atwater expert at Caltech, said.

Atwater’s group has developed a test platform to measure the laser force that impacts a Silicon Nitride sail with only 50 nanomet thick. Tiny sails are square, 40 micrometers, 4 corners fixed with spring and vibration when laser shines on. By studying these small movements, experts can calculate the force and capacity of the laser beam. In the future, they hope to integrate advanced nano materials and super materials to stabilize the light sailing in the journey in the universe.

In the world, a number of light sailing projects are being conducted. Last year, NASA also deployed a sun sail (a light sail), although it had some mechanical problems. This emphasizes the importance of the study that the Caltech group is conducting in improving the design for this type of sail.

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